Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 27 Weekly News

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held here at White Creek June 11-14, 6:00-8:00 p.m. each evening for children age 4-6th grade.  The registration deadline has passed, so if you would still like to attend, please contact Jessica Morphew at 812-343-9110.  

EVERYONE IS INVITED to the graduation ceremony for our eighth graders this Tuesday evening, May 29, at 7:00pm. Mr. Mike Wilson, Director of Admissions and Outreach at Trinity Lutheran High School will be the guest speaker.  Valedictorian, Kade Hill, and Salutatorian, Leana Baxter, will give their presentations. A reception and awards presentation will be held in the gym following the graduation service.

OUR YOUTH will be attending the 2019 National Youth Gathering  in Minneapolis, MN next summer. All youth who are currently in 7th grade and older are eligible to attend.  If you would like information, please contact Michelle Barnett at 812-390-7610 or mb_barnett@yahoo.com. 

JUNE CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available after today’s worship.

DID YOU KNOW that when you give to The Baby Bottle Campaign you’re giving mothers support services that can last for years?  Besides offering pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and counseling, Clarity offers abortion recovery Bible study classes as well as sexual integrity presentations for students.  Help Clarity change lives and keep filling your baby bottle!  Bottles may be returned to the narthex by Father’s Day, June 17.  Every filled baby bottle is a gift that helps to save a life.  Join in and make a difference, one life at a time.

PART-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE:  A part-time (one day per week) cook is needed for our school lunch program for next school year.  Individual may work the same day each week.  Please contact lunch manager, Shannon Garrison, at 812-390-8805 if interested.

MARTIN LUTHER QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  “According to the general consensus of the church, there is an indication in this record [the creation account from Genesis] of the mystery of the Trinity. The Father created heaven and earth out of nothing, through the Son, whom Moses calls the Word. Over these the Holy Spirit broods. A hen sits on eggs in order to hatch chicks; she warms the eggs as though giving life by her warmth. So scripture says that the Holy Spirit brooded, so to speak, over the waters in order to give life to substances which were to be animated and beautified; for it is the office of the Holy Spirit to give life.” -from an exposition of Genesis 3:22

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” With that rebirth we receive new desires, new lives, new purposes.  To the (fleshly) world, Christian generosity makes no sense: the total minus a percentage is less than the original total.  But Spirit-reborn Christians know that God's’ math works differently (as we might expect from the Trinity!): a blessing received from God becomes more of a blessing when it is used in generosity to bless others.