Join us as we Study Luther's Large Catechism!
Wednesdays (3:30) at the parsonage (women's group: babysitting provided- you must have children yourself OR have a high tolerance of children and chaos to attend!)
Sundays at 7pm in the fellowship room (no babysitting- men also welcome!)
Beginning August 5 (wednesdays) or August 9 (sun)
Don't be a "lazy paunch" or "presumptuous saint!"
Beginning August 5 (wednesdays) or August 9 (sun)
Don't be a "lazy paunch" or "presumptuous saint!"
Luther encourages all Christians
"never to presume that they have finished learning this [the parts of the Catechism], or know it well enough in all points, even though they think that they know it ever so well. For though they should know and understand it perfectly (which, however, is impossible in this life), yet there are manifold benefits and fruits still to be obtained, if it be daily read and practised in thought and speech" (from the introduction)
Feed your soul on God's Word and enjoy fellowship with other sisters in Christ!
Please contact Emily if you are interested!
emilymariecook @ gmail (dot) com
or call or text 812-447-8693
Materials needed
Luther's Large Catechism
available free online here (hard copy available from CPH or Amazon)
study guide (provided by Emily)
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