Friday, December 30, 2011

*Update* prayers for Ruby

Ruby Lang went home to be with her Lord and Savior last evening at about 9 o'clock. Funeral plans are still being made. Please continue to uphold the family in your prayers.


Please pray for Ruby Lang and her family.

Ruby is not expected to make it through the night.

jesus light Pictures, Images and Photos
Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand

I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the Light

Take my hand, 
Precious Lord,
lead me home...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 25 Weekly News

PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional books for January – March are available in the narthex. Large print books are also available.

2012 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available on the bench in the narthex. If you have not yet picked yours up, please do so TODAY.

JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.

BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be given to Becky by Tuesday this week. The church office will be closed this Friday, December 30, and the next Monday, January 2.

JUST A REMINDER that there will be NO Sunday School or Bible Class next week, January 1. The Sunday School children will have their Christmas celebration when classes resume on Sunday, January 8.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Annual Voters’ Meeting to be held on Sunday, January 8, at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Room.

“THANK-YOU to everyone who offered prayers and sent cards on behalf of my dad. He was very appreciative of all the support!” – Pastor Cook

“MANY THANKS for the donations to Phil’s Friends. I was able to meet my goal with the many donations. I appreciate all of your support!” – Zach Morey

FINANCIAL UPDATE: Approximately $20,000.00 is needed by year’s end. It would be greatly appreciated if all general fund offerings for 2011 would be given by December 31. (This will help the financial secretary and general fund treasurer close out their books for the year in a timely manner.)

POINSETTIAS: Poinsettias have been given in loving memory of the following:

Jasper Musillami and Robert & Olga Behrman

by Mike & Ruth Musillami

Chet & Edna Bode by Ken Bode & Family

Bernice Bode by Ken Bode & Family

Alan Schlehuser by Lindsay Ross & Jason Teague

Orville & Edna Bode, Glen and Steve Bode, and Franklin & Frances Burbrink by Dale & Bettie Burbrink

Ben & Mabel Burbrink by Bob & Karen Burbrink & Family

Carol Thompson by Bill Thompson & Family

Glen Behrman by Mildred Behrman & Family

Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria Dettmer,

Ken & Sharon Dettmer, and Jim & Sherrie Dettmer

Alan Schlehuser – In loving memory of our Grandson by Grandma & Grandpa Schlehuser

Don Linnemeier, Rev. & Mrs. O.W. Linnemeier, and Bob

& Erna Schlehuser by Leon & Joan Schlehuser

Henry Roettger by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

In loving memory of Alan Ryan Schlehuser – His first perfect Christmas in heaven by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

Herbert Meyer by Mariagnes Meyer

Kristina Whipker by Elmer Whipker

Kristina Whipker by Brian, Trina, Kyler and Halie Brumley

Joey Hayes, Frank Burbrink, and John Romine by Mark,

Elly, and Josey Rutan

Persons are asked to please remove poinsettias after next Sunday’s service. Names are inside each pot.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Praise the Lord, Kristie Wessel gets to come home to her family for Christmas!

Her white counts are up, which means the time of major infection risk has mostly passed. They are watching her other counts and encouraging her to take it easy.

She called it "her own little Christmas miracle," and is unspeakably happy to be able to hold her children again. Praise God!

Please continue to keep her in your prayers!

Friday, December 23, 2011

More Prayers for Kristie

The good news is that Kristie's counts are coming up! However, she still needs our prayers today because the line that they give her the medicine through is infected and needs to come out. Please pray that the line will come out smoothly and that they will be able to get the infection under control.

Monday, December 19, 2011

December 18 Weekly News

OUR FOURTH MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Youth will be serving a taco salad/taco bar supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.

CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP will be held at 4:30 PM, and the Children’s Program, Celebration of A King: A Service of Song, will begin at 6:30 PM. Pre-service music will begin at 6:15 PM. Christmas Day worship will be held at 10:15 AM, and Holy Communion will be celebrated. Please note: There will be NO Wednesday evening service on December 28.

DONATIONS for the children’s Christmas candy treats may be given to any of the ushers or to Becky TODAY.

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY: Cards for the Youth card delivery need to be placed into the box in the narthex TODAY. The Youth will be delivering Christmas cards (local delivery only) this Tuesday, December 20. Donation: 25 cents/card.

PRACTICE FOR THE CHRISTMAS EVE Children’s program will be held this Thursday, December 22, after school until 4:30 PM for children in grades 1-8.

PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional books for January – March will be available from the ushers after today’s worship. Large print books are also available.

2012 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available on the table in the narthex. Please pick up yours and any family members TODAY.

JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.

FINANCIAL UPDATE: Approximately $27,800.00 is needed by year’s end.

BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be given to Becky by Tuesday this week. The church office will be closed this Friday, December 23, and the next Monday, December 26.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Everyone is cordially invited to attend the third annual St. Paul Lutheran (Clifty) Christmas Concert this evening at the church at 6045 East State Street, Columbus. The Bloomington Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Singers under the direction of Dr. Gerald Sousa will present this year’s program. The concert will begin at 7 PM with pre-concert music beginning at 6:45 PM. Admission is free, and there will be a reception following the concert. For more information or questions, please contact the church at 812-376-6504.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Prayer Requests

Harriet Meyer is scheduled to have a new pacemaker put in on Friday at 2:00pm. Please keep her in your prayers.

Sharron Dettmer was hospitalized earlier this week with cellulitis. Please pray that she will have a quick recovery and be able to spend time with her family in South Carolina this Christmas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Rejoice in all things

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,  

give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  

Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, 
but test everything; hold fast what is good. 
Abstain from every form of evil.

 Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, 
and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless 
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

He who calls you is faithful; 
he will surely do it. 

(1 Thess 5:16-24)

Listen to Sunday’s sermon here.

December 11 Weekly News

OUR THIRD MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Guild will be serving a chicken tetrazzini supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM. May these midweek worship opportunities help you to prepare for the blessed celebration of our Savior’s birth!

COOKIE & CRAFT SALE: The Ladies Aid and Guild are sponsoring the Annual Cookie & Craft Sale today. Stop by the tables in the front hall of school and pick up some delicious treats and do a little Christmas shopping!

CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS: Persons who would like to put poinsettias on the Altar/in the narthex for Christmas are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) as soon as possible. Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.

DONATIONS for the children’s Christmas candy treats may be given to any of the ushers or to Becky in the church office by next Sunday, December 18.

CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC: Persons who would like to provide pre-service music before the Children’s Christmas Eve service are asked to contact Julie Schlehuser (342-4951).

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY: The Youth will be delivering Christmas cards (local delivery only) next Sunday afternoon. A box is in the narthex to receive cards. Donation: 25 cents/card.

LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their Christmas party this Wednesday, December 14, at 12 noon at the Kensington Tea Room, 403 South Chestnut St., Seymour. Please RSVP to Kathryn Taulman or Jean Voelker by TODAY.

MANY THANKS from the Columbus Pregnancy Care Center for the donation of $658.22 from our Baby Bottle Campaign. Funds will be used to provide area churches and schools with professional abstinence training, underwrite the work that goes on in the pregnancy care centers, and provide resources to post-abortion Bible studies.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Everyone is cordially invited to attend the third annual St. Paul Lutheran (Clifty) Christmas Concert next Sunday, December 18, at the church at 6045 East State Street, Columbus. The Bloomington Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Singers under the direction of Dr. Gerald Sousa will present this year’s program. The concert will begin at 7 PM with pre-concert music beginning at 6:45 PM. Admission is free, and there will be a reception following the concert. For more information or questions, please contact the church at 812-376-6504.

DEPOSITS OF $632.00 and $789.00 have been made to the church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Choice program. A listing of those Thrivent members who have directed their choice dollars to our ministry here is posted on the bulletin board in the front school hall.

“MANY THANKS TO everyone for their prayers and concerns for my father, Larry Cook, as he was injured in a traffic accident this past week. He is now at home and improving daily.” – Pastor Cook

(The Cook’s address: 116 N M 37 Hwy., Hastings, MI 49058)

OUR PRAYERS CONTINUE for Kristie Wessel and her family as she is hospitalized to receive more treatment for cancer. Gas and fast-food gift cards for the Wessel family may be brought to the church office and will be forwarded to them to help with those expenses at this time. Kristie can receive cards – mail to Kristie Wessel, Indiana University Hospital, Room B-11, 550 North University Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46202-5250.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Prayers are needed for Harriet Meyer

Please keep Harriet in your prayers this weekend. Harriet's pacemaker has stopped functioning, and her heart is giving her problems (she's been to the doctor's office and ER a couple of times already this weekend). Harriet is scheduled to see her heart doctor first thing on Monday and will have a new pacemaker put in asap.

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 4 Weekly News

OUR SECOND MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Youth will be serving a spaghetti supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM. May these midweek worship opportunities help you to prepare for the blessed celebration of our Savior’s birth!

ADVENT DEVOTIONS are available in the narthex. These devotions are made available through Lutheran Hour Ministries. Please help yourself.

WELCOME TO Matt, Jen, Katie, and Elli Riley as they have transferred their membership from Trinity Lutheran, Indianapolis. Offer them your hand in friendship and help them feel at home with us!

2012 LUTHERAN ANNUAL: Orders are now being taken for the 2012 Lutheran Annual, a listing of Missouri Synod Lutheran congregations, ministers, and teachers. Cost is $21. Contact Becky in the church office. The Annual will be available in December.

COOKIE SALE: The Ladies Aid and Guild will be sponsoring the Annual Cookie Sale next Sunday after worship. All cookie donations need to be brought to the Fellowship Room by 1:00 PM next Saturday, December 10. Any and all donations welcome!

FINANCIAL UPDATE: Approximately $50,000 is needed to meet our financial obligations through year’s end.

CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS: Persons who would like to put poinsettias on the Altar/in the narthex for Christmas are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) as soon as possible. Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.

DONATIONS for the children’s Christmas candy treats may be given to any of the ushers or to Becky in the church office.

CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC: Persons who would like to provide pre-service music before the Children’s Christmas Eve service are asked to contact Julie Schlehuser (342-4951).

DENIM RUGS: If interested in ordering a denim rug from the Ladies Aid, please contact Jean Voelker (522-8168) or Sharon Dettmer (342-4084). (The Ladies Aid is accepting old blue jeans to cut for these rugs.)


“Thanks for the prayers, cards, and visits as I underwent surgery recently. Thanks be to God for my recovery!” – Lester Otte

“Thanks to everyone for the prayers and cards for my daughter-in-law, Pat Dyer, and for me as I suffered from shingles. We are both recovering and certainly appreciate your many kind thoughts.” – Nancy Dyer

“Thank-you to all for the prayers, cards, visits, and food given to our family at the passing of our dear mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Hilda Dettmer. A special thanks to Pastor Cook for his comforting words and to everyone who donated to and/or helped with the funeral dinner. You are all special blessings to our family!” – The Dettmer Family

Thanks to all who supported the Thanksgiving Eve benefit for the Wessel family at St. Paul, Clifty. Donations of $10,171.03 were received with $1,184.00 in matching funds from Thrivent, resulting in a total of $11,355.03.

Many thanks to Mike & Debbie Rittman (Sparkel Lawn Care) for their continuing care for our church lawn.

Thanks from the Love Chapel for the very generous food donation – they were very overwhelmed and appreciative!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hannah Meyer

Please continue to pray for the family of Hannah Meyer.
(Hannah is Mariagnes Meyer's great granddaughter.) 

Her family said "hello and goodbye" to her on Wednesday.  

See her obituary here.

Online condolences may be sent to the family at

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 27 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH John & Crystal Nading as they bring their son, LUCAS JAMES NADING, to be baptized this morning. Lucas’s sponsor is Micah Buss. God’s blessings to you, Lucas!

ADVENT DEVOTIONS are available in the narthex. These devotions are made available through Lutheran Hour Ministries. Please help yourself.

DECEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.

OUR FIRST MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Guild will be serving a soup/sandwich supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM. May these midweek worship opportunities help you to prepare for the blessed celebration of our Savior’s birth!

THE DECEMBER VOTERS’ MEETING will be held next Sunday evening, December 4, at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room. Accepting the slate of candidates nominated for 2012 church offices will be among the business conducted.

CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS are reminded of the meeting this Wednesday evening after the Advent worship. Please meet in the Fellowship Room.

SEMINARY CHRISTMAS MARKETPLACE: The Seminary at Fort Wayne is accepting gift cards and quilts to share with the seminary students. Donations include gift cards in increments of $10, $20, or $25 which can be used at local Fort Wayne merchants and national chain stores, such as Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc., service station and gas cards from Shell, Marathon or Speedway in increments of $25 or more, and cash gifts to purchase CPH gift cards or dining hall lunch tickets to use for needed materials for class or lunch on campus. All gift cards need to be at the Seminary by December 14 to share with students before they leave for their Christmas break. Informational pamphlets are available in the narthex.

2012 LUTHERAN ANNUAL: Orders are now being taken for the 2012 Lutheran Annual, a listing of Missouri Synod Lutheran congregations, ministers, and teachers. Cost is $21. Contact Becky in the church office. The Annual will be available in December.

ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will have its 4th Annual Living Nativity at the church this coming Friday, December 2, from 5:30-8:00 PM and Saturday, December 3, from noon – 4:00 PM. Saturday activities for the children will include pictures with animals, a storyteller, and surprises to take home. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall both days. Everyone invited.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hilda's home...

Please keep the Dettmer family in your prayers this weekend.

Hilda passed away around 6:30 this morning.

Funeral details will be posted soon.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sheep or Goat?

The Final Judgment (Matthew 25)

 31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' 37Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' 40And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.'

 41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' 44Then they also will answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' 45Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.' 46And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."


He is coming.  Soon. What will He will say to you?

Listen to Sunday's sermon here.

November 20 Weekly News

TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Pastor Brandt in loving memory of his wife, Arlene, who went to her heavenly home nine years ago yesterday, November 19.

THANKSGIVING WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening, November 23, at 7:00 PM. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Non-perishable food items will be received to be given to the local food pantry.

TIME & TALENT SURVEYS are still available to anyone who has not yet had the opportunity to complete one. Check with one of the ushers for a copy.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather for supper this evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant at West Hill and then return to the Fellowship Room for their meeting and fellowship.

BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday’s bulletin need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW, as the bulletin will be copied on Tuesday this week. The church office will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

DECEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.

WE “OFFICIALLY” WELCOME James, Shel, and Eliza Rockhill to our church family as they have transferred their membership from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Gainesville, Georgia. Offer your hand in friendship and help them feel at home with us!

2012 LUTHERAN ANNUAL: Orders are now being taken for the 2012 Lutheran Annual, a listing of Missouri Synod Lutheran congregations, ministers, and teachers. Cost is $21. Contact Becky in the church office. The Annual will be available in December.

“I WOULD LIKE TO THANK everyone in our congregation for their support and generosity with monetary donations and in helping me bake goods for my bake sale. I am so thankful to have such a kind and giving church family. With the Thrivent matching funds, the total amount raised was $2,000. This is amazing! Again, thanks so much for supporting the Honduras Medical Mission Trip and for making it possible for me to buy a huge amount of basic medical supplies to donate to the medical clinics we will be working in. (Watch for a listing later on what I was able to purchase!)” – Betsy Schlehuser.

ST. PAUL, CLIFTY will be hosting a spaghetti supper this Wednesday, November 23, to benefit Kristie Wessel and her family. Serving will be from 5-6:30 PM before the Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 PM. A free-will offering will be received to assist the Wessel family with medical expenses. Thrivent will provide matching funds.

THE WINTER WONDERLAND ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL will be held at Trinity Lutheran High School on Saturday, November 26, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Trinity Parent/Teacher League will be offering lunch for the day, and the Bake Sale will be located at the entrance of the gym. Over 60 booths will be included! Everyone invited!

ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will have its 4th Annual Living Nativity at the church on Friday, December 2, from 5:30-8:00 PM and Saturday, December 3, from noon – 4:00 PM. Saturday activities for the children will include pictures with animals, a storyteller, and surprises to take home. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall both days. Everyone invited.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Peace and Security

Does it seem like God is far off?  Like He does not see? Like he does not care?  Do you hear the world's lie that He "will not bless or do ill?"

Do you waste your time trying to escape the reality of this fallen world?  Do you resort to distraction, sleep, drink, or food for comfort?  Do you find yourself trying to close your eyes to the decay all around, only to have them opened again and again by the sad realities of this life?

God does not want us to be unaware!  This world is NOT secure, nor is it peaceful!  We must look to Jesus!  When we see Jesus, our crucified and risen Lord, we will discover:

"He is the safe place 
I have spent so many days 
trying to create for myself."*

Only in Him do we find lasting peace and security.

Click here to listen to last Sunday's sermon, "Peace and Security," based on the Epistle Reading.

*quote by Angie Smith

November 13 Weekly News

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS: Shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse are due by next Sunday, November 20. Also, practice for the Christmas Eve program will be held during the Sunday School hour every Sunday until Christmas, so attendance is very important.

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet after worship today.

BAKE SALE: Betsy Schlehuser is sponsoring a Bake Sale after church today to raise funds for a medical mission trip to Honduras that she will be going on with the Purdue Caduceus (Pre-Med) Club over Christmas break. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised will help with airfare, and seventy-five percent will be used to purchase basic medical supplies for medical clinics in Honduras. Thrivent will be providing matching funds.

LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday, November 16, beginning with the workday at 9 AM, followed by the meeting at 11 AM and lunch at noon.

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS: Shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse are due by Sunday, November 20. Also, practice for the Christmas Eve program will be held during the Sunday School hour every Sunday until Christmas, so attendance is very important.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather for supper next Sunday, November 20, at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant at West Hill and then return to the Fellowship Room for their meeting and fellowship.

THANKSGIVING WORSHIP will be held on Wednesday evening, November 23, at 7:00 PM. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Non-perishable food items will be received to be given to the local food pantry.

THRIVENT DRAWING: Congratulations to the following who won JayC gift cards from last week’s drawing: Delbert Peters, Kathryn Taulman, Jim Newkirk, Annette Purdue, Dick Hercamp, Amy Ross, Don Voelker, Cheryl Mensendiek, Sharon Kinsey, and Shelby Newkirk. If you have not yet received your card, check with Becky.

NOTE FROM OUR GENERAL TREASURER, MARK BUSS: “2011 has started to wind down with only about 2 months left. In order to get back to where we started in January of this year, we will need about $104,000 ($52,000/mo.) to meet our projected expenses to the end of the year.”

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is seeking a host family for the 16-year-old son of Juha Sarri, a missionary in Finland, who would like to send his son to Trinity the second semester and possibly next fall. If you are interested in hosting Missionary Sarri’s son or have questions, please call Michelle Bauman, Recruitment Director, at 812-524-8547.

DEPOSITS OF $883.00 and $2581.00 have been made to our church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutheran Thrivent Choice program. A listing of those who have directed their choice dollars is posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school.

GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY: Trinity Lutheran High School will hold a ground breaking ceremony for the Phase 1 addition of five classrooms today at 3;30 PM at the school (north end of the building – look for the tent). Everyone is invited to join in and help celebrate this important event, which will greatly benefit the students of Trinity.

PHIL’S FRIENDS: Donations are still being accepted for Phil’s Friends. A box is in the narthex and the front hall of school to receive donations. Items may be brought anytime by next Sunday, November 20. Zach Morey will be traveling to Chicago to deliver the items on Monday, November 21.

ST. PAUL, CLIFTY will be hosting a spaghetti supper on Wednesday, November 23, to benefit Kristie Wessel and her family. Serving will be from 5-6:30 PM before the Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 PM. A free-will offering will be received to assist the Wessel family with medical expenses. Thrivent will provide matching funds.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

prayer request

Please pray for Donna Kyler's mother.  She is suffering through the final stages of ALS.  Please also pray for Donna, her brothers, and the rest of the family, as they prepare to say goodbye (for now.)

This is a difficult time, but Jesus is the other side of it.  May He hold them close.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 6 Weekly News

THRIVENT ELECTIONS: Voting for the Thrivent Chapter Board will take place before and after worship THIS MORNING. Those Thrivent members 16 years of age and older are asked to stop by the table, vote, and register for a Jay-C gift card.

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS: Shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse are due by Sunday, November 20. Also, practice for the Christmas Eve program will be held during the Sunday School hour every Sunday until Christmas, so attendance is very important.

GUILD MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this evening at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room. Plans will be made for the upcoming Advent Suppers.

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet after worship next Sunday, November 13.

BRICKS THAT WERE ORDERED have been placed in the sidewalk and Memory Garden. For location help, contact Larry & Janice Claycamp or Ernie & Donna Dettmer.

BUTTER BRAIDS/CHEESECAKES: Those who placed an order from our school’s Butter Braid/Cheesecake fundraiser may pick up that order this Friday, November 11, from 2-5 PM in the gym.

TRINITY MUSICAL: Just a reminder that the Trinity musical performances that were scheduled for this past Friday and Saturday evenings have been rescheduled to this coming Friday and Saturday evenings, November 11-12. (Rescheduling was due to the girls’ volleyball team competing in the state tournament.)

CONGRATULATIONS TO John & Crystal Nading on the birth of their son, LUCAS JAMES NADING, last Sunday. Lucas arrived weighing 6 lbs. 9 ozs. and measuring 20 ins. God’s blessings to them all! If you would like to send congratulations, John & Crystal’s new address is 7748 S. Edinburg Rd., Edinburg, IN 46124.

BAKE SALE: Betsy Schlehuser will be sponsoring a Bake Sale after church next Sunday, November 13, to raise funds for a medical mission trip to Honduras that she will be going on with the Purdue Caduceus (Pre-Med) Club over Christmas break. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised will help with airfare, and seventy-five percent will be used to purchase basic medical supplies for medical clinics in Honduras. Any food and/or monetary donations would be very much appreciated! Thrivent will be providing matching funds.

GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY: Trinity Lutheran High School will hold a ground breaking ceremony for the Phase 1 addition of five classrooms next Sunday, November 13, at 3;30 PM at the school (north end of the building – look for the tent). Everyone is invited to join in and help celebrate this important event, which will greatly benefit the students of Trinity.

PHIL’S FRIENDS: Donations are still being accepted for Phil’s Friends. A box is in the narthex and the front hall of school to receive donations. Items may be brought anytime by Sunday, November 20. Zach Morey will be traveling to Chicago to deliver the items on Monday, November 21.

TURKEY & HAM SUPPER: St. John’s, Sauers, will be sponsoring a Turkey/Ham Supper this evening. Serving will be from 4:00-7:00 PM. A free-will offering will be received, and carry-outs are welcome.

HARVEST FESTIVAL: Emanuel Lutheran Church, Dudleytown, will be sponsoring its annual church supper and bazaar next Sunday, November 13. Serving will be from 3:30-7:00 PM. Express carry-out available – a lift is available to the lower level. Everyone invited.

ST. PAUL, CLIFTY will be hosting a spaghetti supper on Wednesday, November 23, to benefit Kristie Wessel and her family. Serving will be from 5-6:30 PM before the Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 PM. A free-will offering will be received to assist the Wessel family with medical expenses. Thrivent will provide matching funds.