Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update on Kristie

After seeing the specialist yesterday, Kristie called and said that the doctor is confident that the spot had not grown! This means that she will wait until the middle of August for a PET scan and then determine the next course of action from there. Thank you God for this amazing answer to our prayers!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

update on Melisa Carothers

Please keep Melisa Carothers in your prayers as she continues to recover at Mayo Clinic!

Her recovery is going great so far: they have removed one of her chest tubes, and she was up and walking twice today!  She is expected to be transferred to a regular room later this afternoon.  The doctors are very pleased with her progress so far!

July 17 Weekly News

MANY THANKS TO Pastor Brandt for leading our worship this morning.

TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Dick & Leona Trimpe in memory of Gerald Eckelman and all veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country 66 years ago.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet THIS EVENING at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant, West Hill. Members will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and card playing.

CHURCH PICNIC: Get ready for good food and fun at the 2nd Annual Church Picnic after worship on Sunday, August 14! In addition to the free picnic lunch, lots of entertaining activities are planned. We would like to have everyone be a part of the festivities: antique tractors, cars, etc. will be displayed – contact Dean Claycamp (342-3840) if you would like to bring items for this; quilts will be displayed in the church – all you quilters, show your talents – contact Marguerite Meyer (342-3105) to enter your items; any collectibles, hobbies to display – contact Nancy Dyer (342-6398) for this; pie-bakers, start practicing for the Pie Baking contest – let Becky know if you will be entering your famous pie(s) – lots are needed for topping with ice cream!!!; books for all ages are needed for the Book Walk – bring to the church office any time. Donations are being accepted to help with the picnic expense and may be given to any of the elders, ushers, or Becky in the church office.

CHURCH/SCHOOL WORKDAY: Two dates have been set to work on the church/school grounds: THIS FRIDAY, July 22, at 5:30 PM and THIS SATURDAY, July 23, at 8:00 AM. Please bring brooms, dustpans, power washers, and paintbrushes. One goal will be to clean and paint all stair railings.

STUDENTS who are planning to attend Trinity Lutheran High School this coming school year are reminded to complete and return the Ladies Aid scholarship application to the church office by July 31. (Forms were mailed the end of June.)

“TO THE MEMBERS of St. John’s, White Creek, I want to offer my sincere thanks to everyone at White Creek for the support shown to me through the years, especially during my time at Concordia Chicago. I look forward to my call to teach in Clarinda, Iowa, and ask that God would use me there to help my students grow in their academics, but more importantly, in their faith. Your prayers are appreciated.” – Micah Buss

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help at the Cougar’s Den, the resale shop which gives all proceeds to Trinity Lutheran High School. The shop is located on West Second Street in Seymour, and help is needed on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. If you would be to help out a few hours, contact Clara Claycamp (342-3840).