Monday, April 1, 2013

March 31 Weekly News

PHIL'S FRIENDS COLLECTION: A tote is in the narthex to receive the donated items for Phil's Friends.  Please have all donations in by next Sunday, April 7.


THE APRIL CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available after today's worship.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held in our school’s gym next Sunday, April 7, after worship.  The proposed meeting agenda will include options being considered regarding accommodating our increasing school  enrollment.  All members of the congregation are asked to attend to give direction to the steering committee regarding which growth option to pursue.


MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet in the Fellowship Room after this Wednesday evening's worship.


ALTAR AND NARTHEX SPRING FLOWERS have been given in loving memory of the following by these families:                                                        *Franklin & Frances Burbrink, Orville, Edna, Glenn, and Steve Bode       by Dale & Bettie Burbrink

*Ben & Mabel Burbrink by the Burbrink Family

*Chet & Edna Bode by Ken Bode & Family

*Bernice Bode by Ken Bode & Family

*Donald & Fazenda Darlage and Louis & Anita Voelker

                 by Louis & Jean Voelker

*Carol Thompson by Bill Thompson & Family

*Glen Behrman by Mildred Behrman & Family

*Herbert Meyer by Mariagnes Meyer & Family

*Jasper Musillami and Robert & Olga Behrman

                by Mike & Ruth Musillami


*Omer & Hilda Dettmer and Verna Claycamp

                by Ernie & Donna Dettmer

*Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria, Ken & Sharon Dettmer

                and Jim & Sherrie Dettmer

*Nancy, Leon, and Paul Ferguson by Steven & Jackie Shroyer

*Alan Schlehuser and Henry Roettger by Terry, Ruth,

                and Betsy Schlehuser

The palms were given by Jim & Karen Schlehuser in memory of Alan Schlehuser, Russell & Margaret Foster, and Bob & Erna Schlehuser.


MANY THANKS TO Karen Schlehuser for her creative talents and dedication in beautifying our altar and narthex for our Easter celebration.  We appreciate you, Karen!


"THANKS TO ALL who have remembered us with prayers, cards, and words of encouragement.  A special thanks for the visits by Louis & Jean Voelker, Pastor Cook, Lorraine, and Seth, and to the Guild members for the beautiful basket of goodies.  We so appreciate these many kindnesses from our church family!" - Donald & Wilma Voelker


BUTTER BRAID SALE:  Help support the English Expedition group of Trinity Lutheran High School and sign up for a tasty treat at the same time!  Students and adults planning on traveling to England in 2014 will be selling Butter Braids in April.  Each pastry costs $12 and makes a yummy dessert or breakfast for an entire family.  Be sure to look for the Trinity travelers selling these or call the Trinity office (812-524-8547) to place your order.


FROM OUR TREASURER:  We are moving into the season when tuition funds for the school are fulfilled by churches and individuals.  This means the congregation will have to start with its support.  We need about 45 to 50 thousand dollars per month to meet those obligations.  Please keep these numbers in your thoughts and prayers as we move into the summer months. - Mark Buss


IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL 7th grade students are hosting a 5K Walk/Run next Saturday, April 6, at 9 AM.  Registration forms are available at