WE REJOICE WITH Tyler & Leah Ross as they bring
their daughter, McKINLEY DANIELLE ROSS, to be baptized this morning. McKinley's sponsors are Betsy Schlehuser,
Lindsay Teague, and Lauren Johns. God's
blessings to you, McKinley!
AND NEWS will be
available from the ushers after today's worship.
being observed this week. Please
continue to keep our students, faculty, and staff in your prayers.
White Creek Lutheran School will hold its annual Open House this Friday,
February 1, from 8:30 AM-2:30 PM. Interested
persons are invited to sit in on classes during the course of the day. Teachers will be available to answer
questions in between instruction times.
White Creek Lutheran School is beginning its search for a second grade
teacher for the 2013-2014 school year.
Interested individuals may contact the school at beckelman@whitecreek.org
to obtain the application form. All applications/resumes
must be received by Wednesday, February 6.
Our school will be sponsoring a brunch after church and continuing after
Sunday School and Bible Class on Sunday, February 10. The menu will include breakfast casseroles, breakfast
sausage, sweet breads, fruit, and drinks.
A free-will offering will be received, with all proceeds going to our
scholarship fund, which offers assistance to those families who do not receive
any tuition support from their congregation.
ST. JOHN'S FOUNDATION has agreed to fund $2,203.80 to match
the Eli Lilly grant for Pastor Cook's education loan, $4,000 for the school
heating/AC repair, and $3,830 to install air-conditioning in the school
THANK YOU NOTES have been received from Pastor Arthur
Rickman & Family for the $150 gift from our congregation to help support
the Lord's work in the Dominican Republic and from Dan May on behalf of the
Indiana District for our support of the ministries of the Indiana District and
LCMS. These notes have been posted on
the bulletin board in the front school hall.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Travis & Cara Eckelman on the
birth of their daughter, KYLIN RAE, on Friday, January 18. Kylin arrived weighing 6 lbs. 9 ozs. and
measuring 20 inches. Everyone is doing
fine - God's blessings to them!
CONGRATULATIONS TO James & Shel Rockhill on the
birth of their daughter, HATTIE JO, on Saturday, January 19. Hattie arrived weighing 8 lbs. and measuring
19 1/2 inches. They are all also doing
fine, and God's blessings to all of them!
It's time to start thinking about summer camp! On February 1, Camp Lakeview will begin
registering campers (grades K-12) for its 2013 summer season. Don't let your children miss the adventure,
joy, and wonder that a week at a Christian camp can bring. To get more information, pick up a summer
brochure in the narthex, visit the camp's website at www.camplakeview.com, or
call the camp office at 812-342-4815.
Registrations must be postmarked on or after February 1 (this
Friday). No phone reservations will be
accepted until two weeks after registration opens, so the best way to register
is to get the form ready and mail it on February 1. See you at camp!
TLHS invites students and their families
to its final open house on Sunday, February 10, from 2:00-4:00 PM. All eighth grade students will be entered in
a drawing to win a Trinity t-shirt.
Interested eighth grade students will also receive a $75 voucher that
covers half of the registration costs at Trinity for the 2013-2014 school
year. Please enter through the commons.