LENT CONTINUES with midweek worship Wednesday at 7 PM. The Youth will be serving a chili/baked potato/hot dog supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.
BOARD OF EDUCATION members will meet today after worship.
BLESSINGS TO Gavan Thompson as he was baptized after last Sunday’s worship service. Introduce yourself and welcome him into our White Creek family.
PERSONS WHO would like to put spring flowers on the altar or in the narthex for Easter are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) Flowers may be purchased individually or through Karen.
INSTEAD OF candy donations, our Sunday School is seeking monetary donations to help purchase devotion books for the Sunday School children for Easter. Donations may be given to Lori Hill, Tammy Claycamp, or Becky in the church office.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded that they will meet at 5:30 PM next Sunday for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and fellowship.
“THANKS TO everyone for the prayers, cards, and words of encouragement during my recent surgery and now recovery. Your kindnesses are surely appreciated!” – Carrie Dettmer
“MANY THANKS TO the Guild for the cookies and fruit and to Janet Morey for the delightful visit. I appreciate your thoughtfulness! – Vivian Schroer
OUR SCHOOL CHILDREN will begin their spring break at the end of the school day this Friday, March 16. Classes will resume on Monday, March 26.