A PRAYER SERVICE is held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM,
followed by Bible study on the Parables of Jesus. Everyone whose schedule allows is invited to
come and join in this morning of prayer and study.
CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY: In the summer of 1889, a school was
built. The cost was reported as $1232.54
in the Centennial Jubilee publication, but later the cost was reported as
$840.00 in the 125th Anniversary publication.
In 1875, the congregation spent $925 to build a new house for its
REUNION SUNDAY, a part of our 175th anniversary
celebration, will be held on June 28. If
you know of any former confirmands, teachers, or pastors who no longer attend
St. John's, please invite them to this service.
After worship, there will be light refreshments, and the confirmation
class photos that have been collected will be displayed. Pastor Marcus Jauss will be the guest
preacher for this service.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our 175 Anniversary Old Fashion
Mission Festival to be held on Sunday, July 26, immediately after the worship
service. Everyone is invited to come
join in the fun, food, games, prizes for all ages! There will also be antique displays. Watch the weekly bulletin, July news, and the
quarterly newsletter for more information as the time nears.
THE FIRST SET of 175th Anniversary plates was sent back
due to the quality. A new sample is
being printed and will be sent to our committee to approve before the entire
order is printed. Watch for more
"THANKS for the prayers and support these past
years, for the gifts as we move away, and for the help in loading our
possessions for moving. We will always
cherish our White Creek years and family and will continue to pray for you
all." - Jeff, Donna, Abby, Jacob, and James Kyler. (The Kylers' new address is 9497 E. U.S. 30, Pierceton, IN 46562.)
A DEPOSIT OF $294.00 has been made to our school's
account on behalf of Thrivent Financial's Thrivent Choice program by the
directed Choice Dollars of the following:
Ken & Kyra Bode, Kay Clow, Lou & Jean Voelker, and Lindsey Von
clothing from birth to age 5 that can be sent from our new warehouse on the
first overseas shipment to orphanages in Latvia. These clothes can be brought to the Orphan
Grain Train Open House on Sunday, July 26, (everyone invited-will be after our
Old Fashion Mission Festival). Clothing
may also be collected and brought to a central collection site (call
712-369-1165 for details).
The Pregnancy Care Center Summer Volunteer Training will begin with Ministry
Orientation night on Wednesday, July 29, from 6-9 PM. Training will continue on Thursday, July 30,
and Friday, July 31, from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM.
Training will be held at Memorial Baptist Church, 2320 7th St.,
Columbus. For more information, contact Christy
Shaw at 1-866-510-5067 or online at ChristyS@affirminglifeonline.org.
TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is seeking candidates
for a part-time chemistry teacher.
Subjects would include chemistry I and II for three periods four days a
week. Teacher must be licensed in the
state of Indiana. Interested persons may
drop off a resume at the Trinity office by Thursday, June 25.
Trinity Lutheran High School will host the 12th Annual Cougar Classic
golf outing on Saturday, June 27, at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour. Cost per golfer is $60, which includes carts,
contests, prizes, and an awards dinner.
Registrations must be received by this Wednesday, June 17, online at
www.trinitycougars.org or by calling Aaron Rudzinski at 812-524-8547.