Monday, February 2, 2015

February 1 Weekly News

IF YOU HAVE NOT yet received your 2014 church offering statement, see Chris Newkirk;  contact Phil Burbrink if you have not received your 2014 Building Fund statement.


YOUTH GROUPS will not meet this evening, but will gather next Sunday evening at 7 PM.


OPEN HOUSE:  White Creek Lutheran School will hold its annual open house this Friday, February 6, with snow date of Monday, February 9.  Open House hours will be 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM.  Persons interested in our school are invited to sit in on classes during the course of the day.  Teachers will be available to answer questions in between instruction times.  Persons planning on being at school for lunch, are asked to please contact the school a few days in advance to make a reservation.


MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH FOUNDATION are asked to meet in church next Sunday, February 8, after worship.


CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY:  In 1844, the present church site, consisting of 40 acres, was purchased for $100.


ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS are still available for sale.  Contact Becky in the church office.  Cost is $12 each.


CONFIRMATION CLASS PICTURES are needed for our upcoming Confirmation Class Roll Call Sunday on June 28.  If you have ANY St. John's Confirmation class pictures, please contact Jean Meyer at 812-343-2361. 


VALENTINE BABYSITTING:  St. John’s White Creek Youth will be providing Valentines Date Night babysitting for children through 5th grade on  Friday, February 13,  from 6:00-10:00 PM.  Bring your children to the school gym and enjoy a night out!  A free-will donation will be accepted.  Snacks (not a meal) will be provided.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Matthew & Lorna Meyer on the birth of their daughter, LARKIN ARIETTA MEYER, last Tuesday, January 27.  Larkin arrived weighing 9 lbs. 10 ozs. and measuring 22.5 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to all of them!


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  YTD collections:  $40,095;  average weekly income (total/4 Sundays):  $10,024;  YTD income:  $41,600;  YTD expense:  $53,332;  YTD net income:  ($11,732) - This loss is caused by $40,000 being transferred to the school already this year so Kelly has the funds to pay payroll and insurance expenses that now come out of the school account.  Please note:  the $10,000 per Sunday figure is the amount needed to cover expenses equal to those incurred in 2014.  The $10,000 per Sunday amount does not factor in any raises, increased health plan costs, etc.


NOTES FROM OUR STEWARDSHIP BOARD:  During 2015, the Board of Stewardship wants to assist members of St. John's in assessing their overall health as a steward of God's blessings.  Members are first and foremost stewards of the faith that has been given them in their baptisms.  One of the ways in which God calls us to function as the body of Christ has to do with being involved actively in the ministries of the congregation.  A healthy question that each of us can ask ourselves is:  "Do I feel involved?" or put differently, "Do I feel a part of the congregation?"  In the upcoming months, the Board of Stewardship will be working with the other Boards of this congregation to help make sure that each member has the opportunity to use their God-given gifts in service to the Body of Christ.


TRINITY OPEN HOUSE: Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to its final open house on Sunday, February 15, from 2:00-4:00 PM.  All interested eighth grade students will  receive a $75 voucher that covers half of the registration costs at Trinity for the 2015-2016 school year.  Please enter through the commons. 


ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE:  WCA will be sponsoring an aluminum can drive February 13-15.  A trailer will be parked on the school grounds to receive items.


CAMP LAKEVIEW:  It's time to start thinking about summer camp!  TOMORROW Lakeview ministries will begin registering campers (K-12) for its 2015 summer season.  Don't let your children miss the adventure, joy, and wonder that a week at a Christian camp can bring.  To get more information, pick up a summer brochure in the narthex, visit the camp's website at, or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.  Registrations must be postmarked on or after February 2.  No phone reservations will be accepted until two weeks after registration opens.  See you at camp!