Monday, September 23, 2013

September 22 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH John & Crystal Nading as they bring their son, ISAIAH JOSEPH, to be baptized this morning.  Isaiah's sponsors are Tom Schroer and Clint Moore.  God's blessings to you, Isaiah!


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotion booklets for October-December will be available from the ushers after today's worship.  Large print are also available.


THE LUTHERAN WITNESS:  It's time to order/renew subscriptions to The Lutheran Witness magazine.  The rate for 2014 is $16.00.  Please let Becky know by Sunday, October 6, if you would like to order/renew your subscription.  Checks may be made payable to our church.


OCTOBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday, September 25, at 7:30 PM (after worship).


MANY THANKS TO all who supported last night's Smorgasbord and Bazaar with donations of food, bazaar items, and time.  What a blessing to gather together for good food and fellowship!


OPEN HOUSE:  Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to the first open house for this school year next Saturday, September 28, from 8:00-10:00 AM.  Students will receive a free admission to the Cougar Invitational Tournament scheduled for the same day.  Interested eighth grade students will also receive a $75 voucher that covers registration costs at Trinity for the 2014-2015 school year.  Please enter through the         gymnasium.

VOLUNTEER TRAINING for the ministry needs of the Pregnancy Care Center will be held Tuesday, October 1-Friday, October 4, at Memorial Baptist Church in Columbus.  A Ministry Orientation will be held on Monday, September 30, 9:00 AM - Noon.  Interested persons may get more information from the brochure rack in the narthex.


THE ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN will host a fundraiser on October 6, at 5:30 PM at the Clarion Hotel, Columbus.  A meal will be served at no charge, and all attendees are asked to support the work of the OGT.  The OGT Indiana branch operates completely with volunteers and gives all support to the poor and needy.  The program includes a speaker who serves about 100 Lutheran congregations in the Chicago area with a goal to help the needy and will also provide a presentation on the future of the OGT in Indiana since the present leader is retiring.  See Pastor Cook to make a seating reservation at his table at this event.  More information about the OGT is available in the narthex.


DEPOSITS OF $62.00 and $136.00 have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' Thrivent Choice Program by the directed Choice Dollars of the following:  Dale & Bettie Burbrink, Bill Brock, Kathy Sanders, Laurie Schroer, James Tower, and Wilma Voelker.


SOUP SUPPER: St. John's, Sauers, Men's Club will be hosting their annual Soup & Sandwich Supper and Bazaar on Sunday, October 6, with serving from 4:00-7:00 PM.  A free-will donation will be received, and carry-outs will be available.  Handmade items and homemade baked goods will be featured at the Bazaar.  Everyone invited.


TRINITY MUSICAL:  Trinity Lutheran High School will be performing its 9th annual musical Thursday, November 14, through Sunday, November 17.  This year's production is White Christmas.  Performances will take place in the school's Commons at 7:00 PM nightly.  In addition, a matinee on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM will be available.  Tickets are $10/person and may be purchased through the Trinity office, beginning on Tuesday, October 1.  For questions or more information, call the Trinity office at 812-524-8547.


"THANKS TO ALL who remembered me with cards for my 80th birthday and 55th anniversary of my ordination into the holy ministry.  Norma and I also thank those who remembered us on our 56th wedding anniversary.  God has blessed us richly, and we pray His blessings on you also." - Pastor Loren Boettcher