Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 26 Weekly News

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet TODAY after worship.


SEPTEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after worship today.


SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS will resume the Sunday after Labor Day, September 9.  The Board of Elders, due to numerous requests, have decided to keep our Sunday service at 9 AM, and have Sunday School and Bible Class afterward, at 10:15 AM on a 3-month trial basis, after which time it will be evaluated to see if it should continue.


SUNDAY SCHOOL will kick off on Sunday, September 9!  With that date closing in, we are still in need of more teachers.  Please give prayerful consideration to helping with this part of our ministry.  Persons may contact superintendent Matt Riley at 605-454-4448 or matt.riley2@gmail,com.


GOD'S BLESSINGS TO Liam Michael Hunter, son of Matt & Amanda Hunter, as he was baptized during last Wednesday evening's worship.  Liam's sponsors were his uncles, Chris Hunter and Jason Kinsey.


SMORGASBORD SIGN-UP:  Our annual Smorgasbord/Bazaar will be held on Saturday, September 15.  Check the table in the narthex today after worship to sign up to help that day and/or donate items.  This is an opportunity to work alongside your church family and help with this yearly event!


DONATIONS NEEDED: Our annual Smorgasbord/Bazaar is nearing and any donations from members are needed.  Whether you sew, cook, knit, crochet, or like to bake or just glue things together, any item that you think others might like to purchase would be very much appreciated.  Items may be brought to school Friday afternoon after 2:00 PM or Saturday morning.  If pick-up is needed, call Sharon Dettmer at 342-4084.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Scott & Brennan Rotert on the birth of their son, CASE KEENAN ROTERT.  Case was born last Tuesday, August 21, weighing 9 lbs. 2 ozs. and measuring 21 inches.  God's blessings to all!


"HERB & I want to thank Pastor Cook and our St. John's family for all the prayers and cards received for Herb during his time of surgery and now recuperation.  We certainly appreciate all your kindnesses!" - Herb & Connie Stiltz


MANY THANKS TO Michelle Barnett for organizing the purchase and distribution of tickets for last Sunday's Reds/Cubs baseball game.  What an enjoyable day for our church family to spend together!


2012 WALK FOR LIFE:  The Pregnancy Care Center will hold its annual Walk For Life on Saturday, September 29 at the East Columbus Christian Church, 3170 Indiana Ave, Columbus.  Registration will begin at 9:30 AM, followed by the walk at 10:30 and lunch at 11:30 AM.  For more information, contact Jean Voelker at 522-8168.


LEFT AFTER THE CHURCH PICNIC: Two adult and two kids' lawn chairs.  Check by the outside door by the cafeteria (north side of school).