Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jackson County Relay for Life

Jackson County Relay for Life 
Seymour High School Track and Football Field 
This Friday & Saturday, May 18 & 19

Health Fair 8:30-11:00 a.m.
 Bone Marrow Registry (cheek swabs), Indiana State Police Child Identification Kits, Bone Density Test, Oral Cancer Screening, Blood Pressure check, etc.

From Mary Anne Schneider:
I will working at the bone marrow donor booth doing cheek swabs to help find matches for people who are in need of transplants. This also includes people like, Kristie, who need stem cell transplants. Rejoicing with Kristie Wessel that she has found a match! Hopefully, we can help someone else whose life depends on it! If you would like a schedule of events, message me your email address!

One more opportunity to help fight cancer:
This is a special year at Relay. 
Jackson County has been chosen to serve as a CPS3 event site. CPS3 is a Cancer Prevention Study that will help in researching cancer and look for medicines and hopefully a CURE! Wouldn't that be awesome.
Cancer Prevention Study-3: Friday, May 18th at Relay For Life 5:30-9:30pm.- This year, you can join the movement to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by enrolling in the American Cancer Society’s research study called the Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3). The study is open to anyone who is willing to commit to the study long term, is betweenthe ages of 30 and 65, and has never been diagnosed with cancer (not including basal or squamous cell skin cancer).

Three main things to be able to be a part of this event:  You must be between the ages of 30-65--- Never had cancer other than skin(basal cell & squamous)--Willing to make a long term commitment. (Filling out a survey every 2-3 years for the next 20-30 years). 

The event begins at 5:30 and end at 9:30.  You will be asked to fill out a short survey, a waist measurement taken, and a small amount of blood drawn.  This process should take about 30 minutes. 

You may then join the fun at the Relay if you wish to take part.  If you just want to be involved in the CPS3 event then you are free to go after your blood draw.

Think of our children and grandchildren.  It would be well worth our time to be involved in this study if it helped them never to hear the word CANCER.  You can be a part of making a difference by joining in the event.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 13 Weekly News

A SPECIAL VOTERS’ MEETING will be held after worship next Sunday, May 20.  Our school’s enrollment is increasing faster than first projected.  Among topics that we need to discuss are our options for staffing and building space. 

AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE, sponsored by our school’s WCA, continues yet today.  The trailer is parked on the south side of church to receive items.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet next Sunday, May 20, at 5:30 PM at Papa’s Grill at West Hill.  The group will then return to the Fellowship Room for their meeting and socializing.

MANY THANKS TO Tim Hoene for his donation of time and equipment to keep our church, school, parsonage, and teacherage lawns cut and to Jane Hoffman for her donation to pay for our pew cushions to be cleaned.  What blessings!

LADIES AID will meet on Wednesday, May 23, at 9:00 AM at the Lutheran Community Home.  Members are asked to bring scissors to cut clothing protectors for LCH.  The Bible Study and meeting will begin at 11:00. Ladies will buy lunch from the LCH after the meeting and enjoy time together.
DEPOSITS OF $280.00 and $1,650.00 have been made to the church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ Thrivent Choice® program.  Those who directed Choice Dollars for our church include Gary Burbrink, Robert Burbrink, Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Lloyd & Jean Meyer, and Delbert & Carolyn Peters.  Choice Dollars for our school include William Brock, Greg Burbrink, Kay Clow, Ernie Dettmer, Ken Dettmer, Paul Dettmer, Doyce Eckelman, Greg Hercamp, Richard Hercamp, Larry Hoeltke, Max Hoffman, Jane Hoffman, Sharon Kinsey, Peggy Loyd, David & Cheryl Mensendiek, Mike Mensendiek, Glen Meyer, Harold & Harriett Meyer, Wayne & Melanie Meyer, Terry Meyer, Ervin & Jane Newkirk, Dorothy Otte, Herman & Marie Otte, Joan Schlehuser, John Schroer, Norman Schroer, and Louis & Jean Voelker.

ALL THRIVENT MEMBERS are invited to attend a brief meeting after worship on Sunday, May 27.  Your input will be sought on determining how the school’s Thrivent Choice Dollars should be allocated.  A list of school needs will be provided.

BASEBALL TICKETS: If you have not yet paid for your tickets for the August 19 Reds/Cubs game, please do so as soon as possible.  Checks may be made payable to our school.  Ticket price totals are available in the office. Tickets will be distributed as soon as they arrive.

OUR SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE will begin in two weeks, Sunday, May 27, with worship beginning at 9:00 AM.  Sunday School and Bible Class will recess for the summer and begin again the Sunday after Labor Day, September 9.