Monday, December 29, 2014

December 28 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Tyler & Beth Meyer as they bring their daughter, GWYNETH MARIE, to be baptized this morning.  Gwyneth's sponsors are her uncle and aunt, Ed & Colleen Koeberlein, and uncle, Matt Koeberlein.   God's blessings to you, Gwyneth!


JUST A REMINDER that there is no Sunday School or Bible Class today.  Classes will resume next Sunday.


THE JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


OUR NEW YEAR'S EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will begin at 7:00 PM.


THE ANNUAL VOTERS' MEETING will be held on Sunday, January 11, at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Room.  The election of officers for 2015 will be among the business conducted.  (The names of those nominees are listed in today's January news.)  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available in the narthex.  Please pick up yours and any family members' TODAY.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.  The church office will be on a flexible schedule yet this week, so if you need to come in, please call first to make sure someone is in.


WE WELCOME Logan & Emila (Blomenberg) Fowler and their daughters, Kate, Lilli, and Maggie, as they join us in church membership.  Offer them your hand in friendship and give them a big White Creek welcome!

MANY THANKS from Pastor Cook, the church staff, and the school faculty for the Christmas gifts.  Your thoughtfulness and support are deeply appreciated!


ANNIVERSARY BANNER:  The anniversary committee is asking each family to bring 3 swatches of fabric to be used on an anniversary banner.  Needed are red, green, and brown (one of each color, please) 3"x3" cotton or cotton blend swatches (any shade of these colors is fine).  Solid colors, small prints, checks, or plaids are fine, just so the main color is green, brown, or red.  Please put your swatches in an envelope with your name on it and place it in the tote in the narthex by THIS WEDNESDAY, December 31.  Thanks!


ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS are still available for sale.  Contact Becky in the church office.  Cost is $12 each.  The anniversary committee is also taking pre-orders for a commemorative plate featuring a color photograph of the church, along with the anniversary theme.  If 144 plates are pre-ordered, the cost would be $20 each.


POINSETTIAS:  Persons who placed poinsettias on the altar are asked to please remove them this week after the New Year's Eve worship service.  (Many thanks to Karen Schlehuser for using her creative talents to decorate and arrange them just right!)


EUCHRE PARTY:  St. Paul, Clifty, invites everyone to a Euchre Party on Friday, January 9, at 6:30 PM.  Cost is $5/person, with all proceeds benefitting the Orphan Grain Train.  Prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third places.  There will also be a traveling trophy which the winner will keep until the next party.  Drinks will be provided.  If you desire, you may bring a snack to share.  For any questions, contact Nora Cleary at 812-342-3756 or

"TO OUR DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST:  We are so appreciative of the many "Get Well" cards and prayers that have been sent up for us.  I have been told that I have terminal cancer.  The surgery I had recently took 3 surgeons 12 hours.  My face is now disfigured.  They took out much cancer, but it is still near my blood vein that goes to my brain.  So, it's in God's hands.  Please also remember Dick in your prayers, as his memory is fading, and he suffers back and leg pain, causing him to fall many times.  We are fortunate that Tammy is helping care for us, and Greg is such a blessing to us, as are Keith and Jessica.  Because of our health problems, we are unable to send Christmas cards this year.  We appreciate all who have remembered us this year.  We send best wishes to all of you this Christmas and good health and happiness in the New Year, too!  If one has Jesus in your heart and good health, one has all the riches in the world.  Also, our church and school are such blessings to us.  We all need to give our tithes to Him with thankful hearts.  He gave His all for us....Jesus...our Savior!"   Yours in Christ - Dick & Jo Hercamp

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 21 Weekly News

TODAY IS THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT.   We light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath, the candle of love, which symbolizes Christ's love.  "For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."  John 3:16


CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Worship will be held Christmas Eve at 4:30 PM, with the Children's Christmas Eve Program to begin at 6:30 PM (pre-service music at 6:15 PM).  Worship with Holy Communion will be held Christmas Day, beginning at 10:30 AM.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January - March  are available in the narthex.  Large print copies are also available.


2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available in the narthex.  Please pick up yours and any family members' TODAY.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.  The church office will be on a flexible schedule during the Christmas break, so if you need to come in, please call first to make sure someone is there.


ANNIVERSARY BANNER:  The anniversary committee is asking each family to bring 3 swatches of fabric to be used on an anniversary banner.  Needed are red, green, and brown 3"x3" cotton or cotton blend swatches (any shade of these colors is fine).  Solid colors, small prints, checks, or plaids are fine, just so the main color is green, brown, or red.  Please put your swatches in an envelope with your name on it and place it in the tote in the narthex by December 31.  Thanks!


ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS are available for sale in the school.  Cost is $12 each.  The anniversary committee is also taking pre-orders for a commemorative plate featuring a color photograph of the church, along with the anniversary theme.  If 144 plates are pre-ordered, the cost would be $20 each.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Jeffrey & Donna Kyler on the birth of their son, JAMES BENNETT KYLER, last Sunday.  James arrived weighing 6 lbs. 5 ozs. and measuring 19 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


POINSETTIAS have been given in memory of loved ones by the following:

     *Carol Thompson by Bill Thompson & Family

     *Franklin & Frances Burbrink, Orville & Edna Bode, Glen and Steve Bode by Dale & Bettie Burbrink

     *Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria Dettmer, Ken & Sharon Dettmer, and Jim & Sheri Dettmer

     *Nancy, Paul, and Leon Ferguson by Jackie & Steve Shroyer

     *Jasper Musillami and Robert & Olga Behrman by Mike & Ruth Musillami

     *Chet & Edna Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family

     *Bernice Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family

     *Ben & Mabel Burbrink by Bob & Karen Burbrink & Family

     *Alan Schlehuser by Jason & Lindsay Teague

     *Jim Schlehuser, Russell & Margaret Foster, Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser by Karen Schlehuser

     *Kristina Whipker by Elmer Whipker and Brian, Trina, Kyler, and Halie Brumley

     *James Ross by Mark & Kim Ross & Family and Mike & Kathy Ross & Family

     *Kristie Wessel by Don & Debbie Schroer & Family

     *Lester & Shirley Enzinger by Rex, Kim, Erin, and Samantha Enzinger, Tim & Luanne Bryant, and Tom, Nancy, and Lance Kitterman.


CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  St. Paul, Clifty, will be hosting a Christmas Concert THIS EVENING at 7:00 PM.  Music will be performed by the Second Presbyterian Church Beecher Singers & Orchestra; a harp recital will begin at 6:40 PM.  Everyone is invited - admission is free.              

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 14 Weekly News

TODAY MARKS THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT.   We light the third candle on the Advent wreath, the pink candle of joy.  The angels sang a message of joy.  "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.'"  Luke 2:13-14


GOD'S BLESSINGS TO Mrs. Michelle Barnett as she has completed her religious training and received her colloquy degree.  She will be commissioned/installed during today's worship.


OUR THIRD MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.  The Junior High Youth will be serving a spaghetti supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


LOOKING AHEAD TO CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Worship will be held Christmas Eve at 4:30 PM, with the Children's Christmas Eve Program to begin at 6:30 PM (pre-service music at 6:15 PM).  Worship with Holy Communion will be held Christmas Day, beginning at 10:30 AM.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January - March  will be available from the ushers after today's worship.  Large print copies are also available.


CHRISTMAS CAROLING:  If you would like to go Christmas caroling to the nursing homes and to some of our shut-ins, meet at the Fellowship Room THIS AFTERNOON at 3:00 PM.  After caroling, refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Room.  Questions???  Contact Mary Anne Schneider (812-521-2984).


JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by this Thursday.

CHURCH DIRECTORY: Portrait sittings will again be done this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Questions???  Please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856). Please note that persons bringing nonperishable food items to the portrait sitting will receive an additional $5.00 off any order.  All items will be donated to Love Chapel.


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) by this Friday.  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to contact James or send an email to


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally THIS AFTERNOON for 25 cents/card.  A drop box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to Joan Otte or the ushers or elder on duty.


ANNIVERSARY BANNER:  The anniversary committee is asking each family to bring 3 swatches of fabric to be used on an anniversary banner.  Needed are red, green, and brown 3"x3" cotton or cotton blend swatches (any shade of these colors is fine).  Solid colors, small prints, checks, or plaids are fine, just so the main color is green, brown, or red.  Please put your swatches in an envelope with your name on it and place it in the tote in the narthex by December 31.  Thanks!


ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS are available for sale in the school.  Cost is $12 each.  The anniversary committee is also taking pre-orders for a commemorative plate featuring a color photograph of the church, along with the anniversary theme.  If 144 plates are pre-ordered, the cost would be $20 each.


DEPOSITS OF $1,047.00 and $489.00 have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial Thrivent Choice program by the directed Choice Dollars of the following:  Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Dennis Meyer, Mariagnes Meyer, John & Carolyn Schroer, Norman Schroer, and Robert Sims.


"MANY THANKS TO all who supported my bake sale to raise money to provide food for meals at Love Chapel on December 23.  A total of $477.00 was raised.  I so appreciate your support!" - Libby Hatton

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 7 Weekly News

THE ADVENT SEASON continues today as we light the second candle on the Advent wreath, the candle of peace or preparation.  Peace is one of God's gifts to us.  John the Baptist told the people of Israel to repent, to find peace with God.   As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough places shall become level ways, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’ ”  Luke 3:4-6


OUR SECOND MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.  The Senior High Youth will be serving a chili/baked potato supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM. 


THE DECEMBER VOTERS' MEETING will be held THIS EVENING at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room to approve the slate of candidates for 2015 church offices.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are urged to attend.


CHURCH DIRECTORY: Portrait sittings will be this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Questions???  Please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856). Please note that persons bringing nonperishable food items to the portrait sitting will receive an additional $5.00 off any order.  All items will be donated to Love Chapel.


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140).  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.

CHRISTMAS CAROLING:  If you would like to go Christmas caroling to the nursing homes and to some of our shut-ins, meet at the Fellowship Room next Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM.  After caroling, refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Room.  Questions???  Contact Mary Anne Schneider (812-521-2984).


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, for 25 cents/card.  A drop box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to Joan Otte or the ushers or elder on duty.


ANNIVERSARY BANNER:  The anniversary committee is asking each family to bring 3 swatches of fabric to be used on an anniversary banner.  Needed are red, green, and brown 3"x3" cotton or cotton blend swatches (any shade of these colors is fine).  Solid colors, small prints, checks, or plaids are fine, just so the main color is green, brown, or red.  Please put your swatches in an envelope with your name on it and place it in the tote in the narthex by December 31.  Thanks!


PHONE NUMBERS:  If you have recently changed phone numbers or given up your home phone and are just using a cell phone, please give that information to Becky so records can be updated for our upcoming church directory.  Thanks!


2015 LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If anyone would like to order a copy of The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky in the church office.  Cost is $26.99.


ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS are available for sale in the school.  Cost is $12 each.  The anniversary committee is also taking pre-orders for a commemorative plate featuring a color photograph of the church, along with the anniversary theme.  If 144 plates are pre-ordered, the cost would be $20 each.


MANY THANKS to all who supported/helped with the Orphan Grain Train Dinner held here at St. John's in November.  Envelopes are available in the narthex if you would still like to make a donation to the Orphan Grain Train organization.


PRINCE OF PEACE Lutheran Church, Martinsville, will host its second annual Bethlehem Walk this Friday, December 12, from 7:00-10:00 PM.  Tickets are free and will be issued in 20 minute increments.  Call the church at 1-765-342-2004 or email at to reserve tickets.

Monday, December 1, 2014

November 30 Weekly News

THE ADVENT SEASON begins today.  Advent means "coming" as we prepare to celebrate our Savior's birth.  The first candle lit on the Advent wreath is the Candle of Hope.  We can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises He has made to us.  Our hope comes from God.  "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."  Romans 15:13


OUR FIRST MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.  Holy Communion will be celebrated.  As part of his Senior project, Evan Otte will be sponsoring a baked spaghetti/lasagna supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.  Evan will be raising funds to purchase materials to build a new stable for our church's Nativity display.


PLEASE RETURN YOUR Time and Talent Survey TODAY if you have not already done so.  Becky will begin compiling the names so the new volunteer lists are completed to begin the new year.


BAKE SALE:  As part of her Senior project, Libby Hatton will be sponsoring a Bake Sale TODAY after worship to raise funds to provide meals at the Love Chapel on December 17 for those in need.  Check in the front hall of the school for some delicious goodies!


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this Wednesday evening, December 3, after worship.  All members are urged to attend.


THE DECEMBER VOTERS' MEETING will be held next Sunday evening, December 7, at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room to approve the slate of candidates for 2015 church offices.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are urged to attend.


DECEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


CHURCH DIRECTORY: Hosts are needed to help sign in people when pictures are taken for the church directory.  If you would be able to help with this, please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).  Also, please note that persons bringing nonperishable food items to the portrait sitting will receive an additional $5.00 off any order.


PHONE NUMBERS:  If you have recently changed phone numbers or given up your home phone and are just using a cell phone, please give that information to Becky so records can be updated for our upcoming church directory.  Thanks!


2015 LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If anyone would like to order a copy of The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky in the church office.  Cost is $26.99.


ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS will be available for sale, beginning today, in the school.  Cost is $12 each.  The anniversary committee will also be taking pre-orders for a commemorative plate featuring a color photograph of the church, along with the anniversary theme.  If 144 plates are pre-ordered, the cost would be $20 each.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Tyler & Beth Meyer on the birth of their daughter, GWYNETH MARIE, on November 20.  Gwyneth arrived weighing 7 lbs. 3 ozs. and measuring 19.5 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will host their Living Nativity this Friday, December 5, from 6:00-8:30 PM.  King James, the camel, will be making a return appearance along with many of his animal friends.  Free cookies, cocoa and coffee will be served in the Parish Hall.  Everyone invited.


A TACO SUPPER,  sponsored by the Trinity boys' basketball team, will be held before the game with Salem next Saturday, December 6, from 5:00-6:30 PM in the school cafeteria.  Tickets may be purchased from any team member or at the dinner.  The tickets are $5 each and include a taco salad or two hot dogs, dessert, and a beverage.


PRINCE OF PEACE Lutheran Church, Martinsville, will host its second annual Bethlehem Walk on Friday, December 12, from 7:00-10:00 PM.  Tickets are free and will be issued in 20 minute increments.  Call the church at 1-765-342-2004 or email at to reserve tickets.

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 23 Weekly News

TODAY WE REJOICE WITH Travis & Cara Eckelman as they bring their daughter, MORGAN LEE ECKELMAN, to be baptized.  Morgan's sponsors are her uncles, Clinton Bullock and Mark Meyer.  God's blessings to you, Morgan!


TIME & TALENT SURVEYS and A Plan for Giving worksheet are available in the narthex if you have not yet received one.  Please prayerfully consider how you can be of service here in our congregation and financially help further the work of God's Kingdom here at St. John's.  You may return your completed Time & Talent Surveys to the container provided in the narthex or give them to Becky in the church office.  We would like to have all surveys in by the end of November.


CHURCH DIRECTORY: Hosts are needed to help sign in people when pictures are taken for the church directory.  If you would be able to help with this, please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).


PHONE NUMBERS:  If you have recently changed phone numbers or given up your home phone and are just using a cell phone, please give that information to Becky so records can be updated for our upcoming church directory.  Thanks!


DECEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS and items for next Sunday's bulletin need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.  The church office will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.


THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will begin this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.  Non-perishable food items will be received to be taken to the local food pantry.


BUILDING FUND UPDATE:  Pledge donations for our Arise and Build building program now total $331,090.  All praise to God!

"TO THE MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S: After prayerful consideration, I am pleased to accept the call as teacher to White Creek Lutheran School.  It has been my joy to have taught here for the last fifteen years.  Now, after completing my religious studies, I look forward to continue to teach at White Creek Lutheran School as a called teacher.  My prayer is that God would continue to bless my work at White Creek and that my position would be used to glorify Him.  God's blessings," - Michelle Barnett  (Mrs. Barnett will be installed during the worship service on Sunday, December 14.)


"MANY THANKS TO Pastor Cook and my church family for all the words of comfort given to me at the passing of my brother, Tom Gay.  I am truly blessed!" - Jean Meyer


"SINCERE THANKS TO the 6th grade class of White Creek Lutheran School for their visit to the Lutheran Home this past Tuesday.  We certainly enjoyed the singing, visiting, and craft project they did with us and the other residents!  We were blessed by their visit!" - Tillie Bode and Don & Wilma Voelker


TILLIE BODE has moved into the assisted living section of LCH.  Her address is 1503 S. Walnut St., Apt. 501, Seymour, IN  47274.


BAKE SALE:  As part of her Senior project, Libby Hatton will be sponsoring a Bake Sale next Sunday after worship to raise funds to provide meals at the Love Chapel on December 17 for those in need.  Check in the front hall of the school for some delicious goodies next Sunday!


CRAFT FESTIVAL:  The 12th Annual Trinity Lutheran Winter Wonderland Art & Craft Festival will be held next Saturday, November 29, from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM.  Baked goods and lunch will be provided by the Junior Class.  All booths are filled so there will be a good variety of items available.  The Lutheran Community Home will be giving $15 flu shots in the gymnasium's foyer at this event.  Everyone invited!


ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will host their Living Nativity on Friday, December 5, from 6:00-8:30 PM.  King James, the camel, will be making a return appearance along with many of his animal friends.  Free cookies, cocoa and coffee will be served in the Parish Hall.  Everyone invited.


A TACO SUPPER,  sponsored by the Trinity boys' basketball team, will be held before the game with Salem on Saturday, December 6, from 5:00-6:30 PM in the school cafeteria.  Tickets may be purchased from any team member or at the dinner.  The tickets are $5 each and include a taco salad or two hot dogs, dessert, and a beverage.


PRINCE OF PEACE Lutheran Church, Martinsville, will host its second annual Bethlehem Walk on Friday, December 12, from 7:00-10:00 PM.  Tickets are free and will be issued in 20 minute increments.  Call the church at 1-765-342-2004 or email at to reserve tickets.