Monday, April 2, 2012


Prayer request!

Elmer Whipker has also had a stroke.

He and Richard Noblitt are both still at the hospital having physical therapy.

Please keep them in prayer as they recover!

April 1 Weekly News

HOLY WEEK WORSHIP: Maundy Thursday worship with Holy Communion will begin at 7 PM. The service, “The Feast of the New Covenant,” will end with the stripping of the Altar. Good Friday service will begin at 7 PM. The altar candles will be extinguished, and the cross will be carried to the cemetery (weather permitting). Our Easter Sunrise service will begin at 7 AM, followed by the Easter breakfast served by our Youth. Sunday School will begin at 9 AM, and the Easter service with Holy Communion will begin at 10:15 AM.

PORTALS OF PRAYER devotions for April – June are available in the narthex.

APRIL CALENDAR AND NEWS are also available in the narthex.

INSTEAD OF candy donations, our Sunday School is seeking monetary donations to help purchase devotion books for the Sunday School children for Easter. Donations may be given to Lori Hill, Tammy Claycamp, or Becky in the church office BY TODAY.

WE REJOICE WITH Mark & Richelle Bushur as they bring their daughter, RUTH MARY RICHELLE, to be baptized during the 10:15 service today. Ruth’s sponsors are her uncle and aunt, Peter & Lois Dooms and cousin, Mary Ann Dooms. Ruth arrived on Saturday, March 24, weighing 8 lbs. 6 ozs. and measuring 20 ½ inches. God’s blessings to you, Ruth!

GOD’S BLESSINGS to our seven eighth grade students who will be confirmed during today’s 10:15 service: Julia Bushur, Christina Claycamp, Dylan Maschino, Sydney Morey, Keith Ping, Brooke Plummer, and Eric Taulman.

BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be submitted to Becky by Tuesday this week. The church office will be closed this Friday in observance of the day Christ suffered and died for us.

FISH FRY/SILENT AUCTION: Kristie’s Krew (Kristie Wessel) will be sponsoring a Fish Fry and Silent Auction on Friday, April 13, from 4:00-8:00 PM at the Hope Moravian Church. A free-will offering will be received, with all profits going to the American Cancer Society. Thrivent Financial will be providing matching funds. Everyone invited!

POSITION AVAILABLE: Faith Lutheran Church (West SR 46, Columbus) is searching for a preschool director/teacher to begin in the 2012-2013 school year. This is a permanent position, 29 hours/week. For more information, go to

REDS/CUBS BASEBALL GAME: Tickets may still be ordered for the Reds/Cubs baseball game on Sunday, August 19. The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the front school hall. Deadline to sign up is TODAY.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our Vacation Bible School to be held May 29-30-31 for children 3 years through 5th grade. Watch for more information as the time nears.