Monday, April 4, 2016

April 3 Weekly News

THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held next Sunday evening, April 10, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room.  Agenda items for this meeting include 1) an update from the call committee:  church profile now complete and a recommendation that the call process be postponed one year so we can pay down our debt and address ongoing concerns within our congregation; 2) a report from the School Funding Sub-committee; 3) vote on Board of Education’s teacher recommendation;  4) Address our need for landscape care around the church; 5) organize a committee to plan our annual church picnic.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


TRINITY DUES:  If you have not yet paid your 2016 Trinity dues ($16/confirmed member), please do so as soon as possible.  A special envelope is provided in your offering box.


JOIN THE TLHS ART CLUB for their 2nd Annual Art in the Afternoon event today.  Numerous art activities will be offered throughout the afternoon.  Choose to attend some or all of the following events:  1:00 p.m. – soup dinner.  Ceramic bowls made by the Art Club students will be offered for $15 with your soup included, or $5 for just the soup.  Tickets for the dinner will go on sale the second week of March. 2:00 p.m. - Paint Your Own Canvas event.  Please call the Trinity office 812-524-8547 to reserve your spot.  There are only 30 spots available for this – cost is $25.   Persons may also order an adult coloring book containing pictures hand-drawn by the current art students.  A limited number of copies will be available that evening, and a copy will be available for viewing.  Cost for that coloring book is $15.


LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES MEN’S GATHERING: Men of God, come and join in a weekend filled with fellowship, recreation, and faith building at this year’s Men’s Gathering.  The retreat this Friday-Sunday, April 8-10, will feature Pastor Ben Haupt speaking on the topic “Confessing Christ & Living His Mission in the Early Church & Today.”  The focus will be on how we can learn to live in this post Christian society by studying the church as it existed in the pre-Christian era.  Fishing and mini-golf tourneys, a hog roast and deep-fry party, and the new, exciting game of Archery Tag are among the activities offered.  Brochures are available in the narthex, or for more info, contact Dave Vandercar at dvandercar@


LWML SPRING RALLY:  The Columbus Zone LWML Spring Rally will be held at             Trinity  Lutheran Church, Ellettsville, on Saturday, April 16. Registration/coffee will begin at 9:30 a.m. ($5 for registration), with opening devotions at 9:30 a.m.  Guest speaker will be Kristy Risk from the New  Beginnings Pregnancy Center.  Non-perishable food items will be gathered for the food pantry.  The business meeting and sandwich/salad luncheon will follow.  All Ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.


CALL DAY 2016:  The seminary call day will be held on Tuesday, April 26.  Persons not attending may go online to to take part in the Call Day activities via live stream.  The vicarages and internships will take place at 3:00 p.m., with the pastoral calls following at 7:00 p.m.  Please keep our student James Rockhill in your prayers as he receives his call.  (Jacob Hercamp will be staying at the seminary in Fort Wayne another year to complete more study and will be working in the Systemic and Theology Departments.)


SENIOR ADULT FEST 2016, God’s Gift of Heart, Mind and Soul, will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Seymour, on Friday, April 22.  Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer will be the keynote speaker, with Pastor Ed Keinath, Ms. Trisha Neary, and Ms. Lesley Freidel as additional speakers.  Registration forms are available in our church office and are due by April 12.  Cost is $15, which includes lunch.  Check the flyer on the bulletin board in the front school hall for more information.


SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR:  This year’s Smorgasbord/Bazaar will be held on Saturday, September 10.  This is one week earlier than usual, due to a wedding scheduled here at church.  Mark your calendars!


THE COOK FAMILY is having a little rest and relaxation at Lakeview this week and would like to invite everyone out to a pitch-in supper this Tuesday.  Come to the Lakeview Villages any time after 4 p.m. (eating at 6 p.m.)  Please bring a dish to share, drinks, table service, and lawn chairs.