which occurred on October 31, 1517. On
that day Martin Luther posted the 95 points of discussion, called the 95
Theses, on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. These Theses would be part of the public
debates held every Friday afternoon at the church. From these debates, the Lutheran Church was
born, centered around salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Mark & Kim
Ross in celebration and thanksgiving of their 30th wedding anniversary
tomorrow. May God grant you many more
happy years together, Mark & Kim!
WE REJOICE WITH Troy & Stacie Gamble as they bring
their son, COLTON JOSEPH GAMBLE, to be baptized this morning. Colton's sponsors are his uncle and aunt,
Brent & Charissa Reedy, and family friends, Evan & Stacy Huffman. God's blessings, also, to Troy as he will be
baptized today after the service.
from the ushers after today's service.
PERSONS ARE REMINDED that their 2014 pledge to our
"Arise and Build" building program is due by October 31. Pledge envelopes are available in the
GROUP PICTURES for our upcoming church directory
will be taken after worship TODAY, and next Sunday, November 2, with the
following schedule: TODAY-Board of
Evangelism, Board of Stewardship, Foundation Board, Ladies Aid, Guild, Senior
League, Sunday School Teachers; Nov. 2-Board of Elders, Church Council, Board
of Education, Church Trustees, Ushers, Altar Guild, Beautification. Youth groups will be taken at their meeting.
SCHEDULING for taking family pictures for the church
directory will be done after worship TODAY, and November 2, 9, and 16. Check the sign-up tables in the narthex. Questions???
Contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).
WELCOME TO Jason, Elizabeth, Bekah, and Logan Brown as
they have joined us in church membership.
Offer your hand in friendship and give them a big White Creek welcome!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Rick & Jessica Morphew on the
birth of their son, RYAN JOSEPH, Tuesday, October 14. Ryan arrived weighing 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and
measuring 20 ins. Everyone is doing fine
- God's blessings to them!
"MANY THANKS TO the congregation for
the prayers, cards, food, flowers, and condolences for our family at the
passing of our dear father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, James
Ross. We so appreciate the support from
our church family." - Mark and Mike Ross and Families
"EMILY AND I are so appreciative of our White Creek
family! Thank you for your cards, gifts,
and prayers said on our behalf." - Pastor Cook
THRIVENT ELECTIONS will be held next Sunday before and
after church. Please check in the
narthex. Those voting will be entered in
a drawing for gift cards.
The Youth Groups of St. John’s will be sponsoring a Harvest Party next
Saturday, November 1, from 6:00-8:00 PM here in our gym. Food, games, and prizes will be among the
activities for the evening. Tickets will
be sold at the door - wear your costume as there will be judging and prizes
awarded. Parents are asked to accompany
their children.
THE FOUNDATION BOARD will meet in the
sanctuary on Sunday, November 9, after worship.
John's, Sauers, will be holding their Annual Ham & Turkey Supper and Ladies
Aid Bazaar next Sunday, November 2, from 4:00-7:00 PM. Carry-outs will be available. A free-will offering will be received. Everyone invited.
hold its 10th Annual Dinner Auction on Saturday, November 22, at the Clarion
Hotel in Columbus. In order to make this
a success, your help is needed! If you
have new items, collectibles, antiques, goods or services, handicraft items,
monetary donations, or even a week at your time-share that you would like to
donate to the auction, please contact Lakeview Ministries at 812-342-4815. All donations are tax-deductible, and all
proceeds benefit the work of God at Lakeview Ministries.