TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Mike & Kathy
Ross in thanksgiving for their many blessings and in celebration of their 30th
wedding anniversary tomorrow. May God
grant you many more happy years, Mike & Kathy!
ASCENSION DAY is observed this Thursday. According
to the New Testament in the Bible, Jesus Christ met several times with his
disciples during the 40 days after His resurrection to instruct them on how to
carry out His teachings. It is believed that on the 40th day He took them to
the Mount of Olives, where they watched as He ascended to heaven. Ascension Day marks the end of the Easter
season and occurs ten days before Pentecost.
Wednesday evening at 5:30 PM.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather next
Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. at Bob Evans Restaurant for supper and will then
return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
YOUTH GROUPS will meet next Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m.
HISTORY: A discussion arose as to whether or not a
cross should be placed on top of the church tower. Some thought this to be too
"catholic." After Pastor
Klinkenberg spoke for more than an hour explaining the significance and
appropriateness of Christian symbols, the congregation, by a vote of 39 to 8,
resolved to have the cross grace the tower of our church.
LOOKING FOR CONFIRMATION PICTURES: The following Confirmation class pictures are
still needed: 2000, 2001, 1971, 1972, 1976, (professional pictures best) 1968,
1951, 1958, 1940, 1945, 1947, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1920, 1921, 1923,
and all years prior to 1920 except 1918 and 1919. The original picture is needed to make a
good copy. If you prefer not to
leave your picture(s), please contact Becky in the office to set up a time for
Janeen Blomenberg to scan your original picture so you can take it home again.
175TH ANNIVERSARY PLATES: Anyone who would still like to order a plate
may do so by contacting Kyra Bode at 812-390-7571 or Cost is $20/plate.
MEMORIAL SUNDAY will be held on May 31 as part of our
175th celebration. Information about St.
John's members who have served or are currently serving in the military is
needed, and photographs of servicemen and women are needed for a tribute video
for this service. Our founding fathers
will be recognized, and a cemetery tour will be conducted.
AS PART OF our 175th anniversary celebration, we will
have Reunion Sunday on June 28. If you
know of any former confirmands, teachers, or pastors who no longer attend St.
John's, please invite them to this service.
After worship, there will be light refreshments, and the confirmation
class photos that have been collected will be displayed. Pastor Marcus Jauss will be the guest
preacher for this service.
AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE is still going on
today. A trailer is parked on the
church/school grounds to receive items.
This drive is sponsored by our school's parent organization, the WCA.
The 3rd Annual Phil's Friends Walk will be held next Sunday, May 17, at
1:00 PM here at White Creek. Handmade
tie-dyed t-shirts with professional lettering in memory of Kristie Wessel will
be for sale today after church for $15 (if you purchase, be sure to wear it to
the Walk!) and also can coolers for $5, with all proceeds going to Phil's
Friends. If you would like to walk or donate, you may go to or forms are available in the narthex. A care package drive collecting Christian CDs
is also taking place. A table and box
for CDs is in the narthex. For
questions, contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238. Phil
Zielke will be speaking at our adult Bible Class next Sunday and at Zion
Preschool at 10 AM and WCLS at 2 PM on Monday, May 18.
been invited by Messiah Lutheran Church, Weldon Spring, Missouri, to a dinner and
celebration honoring Pastor Donald Matzat and his 50 years in the ministry on
Sunday, May 24, at 6 PM at the Old Hickory Golf Club. Persons who would like to attend are asked to
respond by this Friday, May 15 to Shonna Owen at 636-926-9773 or Greetings may be sent to Pastor Matzat at
Messiah Lutheran Church, 5911 South Highway 94, Weldon Spring, MO 63304.
Cost for the dinner is $20/person.