Monday, April 8, 2013

April 7 Weekly News

PHIL'S FRIENDS COLLECTION: A tote is in the narthex to receive the donated items for Phil's Friends.  Please have all donations in by TODAY.  Questions???  See Janet Morey.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held in the Fellowship Room today after worship.  All members are encouraged to attend.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7 PM.  Those helping with Phil's Friends cards will gather at 6 PM.


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting next Sunday, April 14, after Bible Class and Sunday School.


EASTER FLOWERS were also given by Leon & Joan Schlehuser in loving memory of Rev. & Mrs. O.W. Linnemeier, Don Linnemeier,  Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser.


THOSE WHO PLACED FLOWERS on the altar or in the narthex are asked to please take them home TODAY.


MANY THANKS to all who donated to and/or helped with Pastor Brandt's funeral lunch.  The abundance of food and volunteers  surely demonstrated an outpouring of love for Pastor Brandt and his family!  (Dishes are on the table in the hall by the Fellowship Room - please pick up today.)


THE LWML SPRING RALLY will be held on Saturday, May 4, from 8:30 AM - noon at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Martinsville.  The program topic is "Your Hymnal-Your Prayer Book" by Doris & Dr. Petersen.  A zone registration donation of $5 will be collected at the time of registration.  All ladies invited.


SPRING FLOWER SALE:  Our school is currently taking orders for spring hanging flower baskets and $10 gift coupons from Whipker's Market.  See any WCLS student or get an order form from the narthex.  All orders with payments need to be turned in to the school office by Wednesday, April 17.  Proceeds will go to special school projects.


SCHOOL MUSICAL: A limited number of tickets (suggested $2/ticket donation) are available for our upcoming school musical, "A Tale of Three Trees," on Friday and Saturday, April 19 and 20.  Contact Mrs. Vandercar by telephone (812-988-7586) or by email at to request tickets.


ORGAN RECITAL: Everyone is invited to attend a sacred concert, "Music of the Easter Season," presented by organist Robert Cruz, this Friday, April 12, at 7:30 PM at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clifty.  Mr. Cruz is the Director of Music at Faith Lutheran in Bloomington and is a graduate organ student at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.  He is working on his Masters Degree in organ performance and sacred music with Dr. Christopher Young.  The program will include beautiful Easter music with hymns for audience singing.


BUTTER BRAID SALE:  Help support the English Expedition group of Trinity Lutheran High School and sign up for a tasty treat at the same time!  Students and adults planning on traveling to England in 2014 will be selling Butter Braids in April.  Each pastry costs $12 and makes a yummy dessert or breakfast for an entire family.  Be sure to look for the Trinity travelers selling these or call the Trinity office (812-524-8547) to place your order.


ST. PAUL, BORCHERS, WINGS group (Women in God's Service) is sponsoring a 5 Mile Run/Walk on Sunday, April 28, at 1:00 PM.  Registration will be from 11:30-12:45 PM with cost of $25.  Call the church at 812-522-7364 for more information.