Monday, January 9, 2017

January 8 Weekly News

WE COME IN PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, as Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized in the Jordan, we come this day to receive Your gracious gifts and be assured of Your promise that our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake.  Grant that we may receive Your word with joy.  Amen.


TODAY WE REJOICE with Matthew & Lorna Meyer as they bring their daughter, ELNORA HULDA MEYER, to Holy Baptism.  Elnora’s sponsors are her uncles, Solomon Rust and Travis Quillen.  God’s blessings to you, Elnora!


TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the baptism of Elnora Meyer by her grandparents, Terry & Connie Meyer.


PASTOR WHITMORE’S INSTALLATION will be held next Sunday, January 15, at 4:00 p.m.  A welcoming reception and pitch-in meal will follow the service.  Members are asked to bring a large side dish (to help accommodate guests attending) to share for the meal.  Meat, drinks, and table service will be provided.


THE SCHOOL FUNDING COMMITTEE has set up Focus Group Meetings starting today and going on throughout January to provide members with information regarding funding White Creek Lutheran School’s program.  Please check the sheets in the narthex today for the various times offered and sign up for a time to attend that fits in your schedule. 


THE ANNUAL VOTER’S MEETING will be held on Sunday, January 22, at 1:30 p.m.  This is several weeks later than usual, due to Pastor Whitmore’s installation, scheduled for Sunday, January 15.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this Tuesday, January 10, at 7:00 p.m. 


2017 OFFERING BOXES are available in the narthex.  Please pick up yours and any family members today.


PLEASE KEEP IN MIND our commitment of $16/communicant member for Trinity Lutheran High School.  A special offering envelope is included in your 2017 offering box.


“MY FAMILY AND I have been truly blessed and humbled by the care that has been shown to us as we transition to our new home here at White Creek.  We would like to thank all of you for the prayers, the help moving, the help putting things together in the house, the painting, the dinners, and everything else that has been done for us that has made this move so smooth.  We are all looking forward to the years to come as we walk together in Christ our Lord, awaiting His glorious return.” - In Christ, Pastor Whitmore


OUR CONGREGATION IS BLESSED with the help of many volunteers.  Many thanks to the following:

*those who helped with painting and cleaning of the parsonage

*those who provided food for the Whitmores upon their arrival

*those who helped during the Whitmore’s move to White Creek

*St. John’s Guild for the purchase of new blinds for the Fellowship Room and the parsonage

*those who helped install the window blinds

*our youth groups and all who helped decorate the sanctuary and narthex for Christmas

*Karen Schlehuser for using her talents to beautify our altar/narthex for Christmas

*those who contributed to and those who assembled the delicious candy   treats for Christmas


MOPS MEETING:  The next MOPS meeting will be held this Friday, January 13, in Zion Lutheran Church’s fellowship hall from 8:45-10:45 a.m.  Mom-of-four Leslie Rudzinski will be leading those in attendance in the topics of discipline, self-control, and the fruits of the Spirit.  Carin Spalla will be teaching a 15-minute-at-home stretching routine.  Please RSVP to so that plans can be made for adequate childcare.

CHILDCARE WORKERS NEEDED: The MOPS group that meets at Zion Lutheran Church, Seymour, is looking for two additional childcare workers to assist during their monthly meetings.  This would be a paid position for a 10 hours/month commitment.  Interested persons should contact Katie Schwipps via text or phone call at 812-525-8318 or email through the email.


FAITH & FITNESS EXERCISE CLASSES: A new 6-week schedule now includes a new class, Balance in Motion, which will be held on Mondays at 1:00 p.m.  Other classes include Senior Strength & Yoga Level 2 on Mondays at 2:00 p.m., Pump, Thursdays at 3:30 p.m., and Christian Yoga, Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.  Questions???  Contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238 or email her at