Monday, April 15, 2013

April 14 Weekly News

BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting TODAY after Bible Class and Sunday School.


THE LWML MITE BOX is in the narthex to receive mites for missions this month.  Extra boxes are also available for your home collections.


A SPECIAL VOTERS' MEETING will be held after worship next Sunday, April 21.  All members are asked to attend this meeting as decisions will be made regarding the direction our congregation will take in accommodating our increasing school enrollment.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather for supper next Sunday evening, April 21, at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant, West Hill, and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.  Guests are always welcome to join them!


THE JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH will meet next Sunday, April 21, at 7:00 PM.  Those helping with Phil's Friends cards will begin that at 6:00 PM.


PASTOR COOK will begin an adult confirmation class on Wednesday, May 1, after the 7:00 service.  Please contact him or Becky in the church office if you know of someone who might be interested in enrolling.


VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help with our pipe organ refurbishing.  Work will be done this week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with Thursday being a longer day for those who could work longer.  See the sign-up sheet in the narthex today.


MANY THANKS TO those who gave a memorial to the school in memory of Pastor Brandt.  To date, a total of $2512.00 has been received.  Members of St. John's will have this included on their year-end offering statement.


A SPECIAL THANKS TO everyone who donated items for Phil's Friends care packages.  Enough items were collected to fill 5 care packages (plus a little more!).  These will be distributed to those afflicted by cancer in our area (which saves cost of shipping and distributing from Chicago).  As we have witnessed in our congregation, the love and support given in time of need can have a huge impact in our lives and those in need.


THE LWML SPRING RALLY will be held on Saturday, May 4, from 8:30 AM - noon at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Martinsville.  The program topic is "Your Hymnal-Your Prayer Book" by Doris & Dr. Petersen.  A zone registration donation of $5 will be collected at the time of registration.  All ladies invited.


SPRING FLOWER SALE:  Our school is currently taking orders for spring hanging flower baskets and $10 gift coupons from Whipker's Market.  Orders will be taken after today's worship in the narthex.  All orders with payments need to be turned in to the school office by Wednesday, April 17.  Proceeds will go to special school projects.


SCHOOL MUSICAL: A limited number of tickets (suggested $2/ticket donation) are available for our upcoming school musical, "A Tale of Three Trees," this Friday and Saturday, April 19 and 20.  Contact Mrs. Vandercar by telephone (812-988-7586) or by email at to request tickets.


A DEPOSIT OF $141.00 has been made to our school account  on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutheran's Thrivent Choice Program.  Thrivent Financial members directing their Choice Dollars include: Mark & Jan Buss, Keith Carmichael, Mariagnes Meyer, James Ross, and Joel Wise.


OUR PARISH NURSE,  Amberly Hoffman, would like to start a walking group here at St. John's on Wednesday evenings (late afternoon/early evening before church).  She also plans to calculate steps around the church so persons can come and walk laps and figure out how many miles they have walked.  Contact Amberly at for questions or to let her know you are interested.  Watch for more details.....