Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 12 Weekly News

OUR MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP, Behold, Your King: Meditation on Selected Royal Psalms, continues this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  Psalm 20 is the selected reading for this worship.  Please note that no supper will be served before worship this week.

APRIL-JUNE PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.  Large print copies are also available.

AS WE CONTINUE to walk together in a common faith, St. John’s Evangelism Committee is looking for those in the congregation who would like to help in our effort to reach those in our congregation who have become inactive in their worship life for one reason or another.  We will be offering a training course to aid in conversing with our brothers and sisters who are not regularly meeting with us for divine worship.  The training will take place the last week of March at a time that is to be decided.  May God bless you as you consider this opportunity for strengthening our life together in Christ. 

BIBLE STUDY:  Jean Jack will begin a Bible study on “Angels” on Wednesday, March 29, from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room.  Please contact her at 714-768-5731 or if you would like to attend.

SENIOR LEAGUE will meet next Sunday evening, March 19, at 5:30 p.m. at Papa’s Grill at West Hill for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.

THE CHURCH OFFICE hours will be flexible this week and next due to school spring break.  If you need to come in, please call first to make sure someone is in before you make the trip.

MEMORIALS/GIFTS OF RECOGNITION:  If you would like to honor a loved one by giving a memorial or a gift of recognition for a birthday, anniversary, or other special event, those may be made at the school office in person or by mail.  A card will be sent to the family/individual acknowledging that the gift was sent to White Creek Lutheran School as well as being listed in our school notes and church newsletter.  All memorials/recognition gifts for WCLS will be used for various special projects of the school.

THIS WEDNESDAY, March 15, organist, Elizabeth Clark, will present the Noontime Lenten Recital at North Christian Church, 850 Tipton Lane, Columbus.  EverSPRING OPEN HOUSE:  Trinity’s resale shop, The Cougar’s Den at 201 W. 2nd Street in Seymour, will hold its spring open house this Thursday-Saturday, March 16, 17, and 18.  Come and do some shopping for spring!   All sales help support the Trinity Lutheran High School students.  Donations will not be accepted at the shop this week due to preparing for this sale.  Donations will be accepted again after March 20.  Thanks for your support!

DEPOSITS OF $99.00 (church), $1,347.00 (school), and $20.00 (Foundation) have been made on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice program by the directed Choice Dollars of Bill Brock, Dale & Bettie Burbrink, Gary Burbrink, Kay Clow, Ron Hoffman, Jane Hoffman, Sharon Kinsey, David & Peggy Loyd, Tony Luenebrink, Mike Mensendiek, Harriett Meyer, Jean Meyer, Wayne & Melanie Meyer, Dorothy Otte, Peggy Powers, and Mark Smith.                                         

“THANKS TO all for the many thoughts, prayers, and cards in regards to my mother’s passing.  I was so blessed to have her as a mother.  It was an incredible journey the last five years she lived with us.  Everything was in God’s hands!” – Peggy & Robert Sims

TRIVIA NIGHT at Trinity Lutheran High School will be held on Saturday, April 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the Trinity gym.  Tickets are $12/person or $72/table of 6 people.  Contact Emily Schultz, Cameo Hildreth, or the Trinity office for tickets.  Come out for an evening of brainy challenges, food, fun, and prizes!

LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES MEN’S GATHERING:  This retreat on March 31-April 2 will feature Pastor Stephen Henderson speaking on the topic “Man of God.”  The focus will be on how difficult it is in our world to live as a man of God and to seek to build up a bridge for generations after us to rise above our culture.   Fishing and archery tag, a hog roast and deep-fry party, and the opportunity to fellowship with other Christian men while watching the Final Four are among the activities offered.  For more info or to register, contact Dave Vandercar at 812-498-4742 or dvandercar@ Brochures are available in the narthex.yone is cordially invited.  Admission is free.