THE LAST DAY of Sunday School
will be next Sunday, May 21. An
end-of-year celebration will be among the activities that day. Classes will resume the Sunday after Labor
Day, September 10.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY will continue yet
Sunday, May 28, so the Mormon study can be finished.
BIBLE SCHOOL: Vacation Bible School, Mighty
Fortress, will be held here at White Creek June 11-15, 6:00-8:00 p.m. each
evening for children PreK-6th grade.
Please register online at by May
28. Teachers and helpers are
needed! Contact Jessica Morphew at
812-343-9110 or by email at
or you may volunteer online at the vbs registration site if you would like to
help with this part of our church’s ministry.
A family cookout/pitch-in meal will be held on the last evening, June
15. Hot dogs, chips and drinks will be
furnished-families are asked to bring a dish to share. The children will present a short program.
WHAT WOULD MAKE SUMMER MORE COMPLETE? More Bible study, of course! With this in mind, Pastor Whitmore will be
leading a Bible study on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:00 p.m. starting
June 7. As we open the Scriptures, we
will be doing so along side the book, “Tortured for Christ,” which is a
first-hand account of Rev. Richard Wurmbrand and his experiences of being
tortured for his faith in Jesus. All are
welcome to attend – hope to see you there!
CHANGE A LIFE! The Baby Bottle Campaign for Clarity Pregnancy
Services helps women facing an unplanned pregnancy to find the hope and support
they need to welcome their babies into the world by helping to relieve the
financial and emotional pressures they face.
Pick up your baby bottle today from the narthex and fill it with coins,
cash, or a check between now and Father’s Day and return it to the narthex or
the church office. Every filled baby
bottle is a gift that helps to save a life.
Join in and make a difference, one life at a time.
JACOB HERCAMP, upon completing the required courses of study at Concordia Theological
Seminary in Fort Wayne, has received a divine call to serve as pastor at Saint
Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in LaGrange, MO, and as such, will be
ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry here at Saint John’s on June 4 at
3:00 p.m. All are welcomed and
encouraged to attend.
AT TEXAS ROADHOUSE: White Creek Lutheran School will be
hosting a fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse
in Columbus tomorrow, Monday, May 15, from 4:00-10:00 p.m. Bring your family (and the White Creek flyer)
to enjoy a great meal and have 10% of your food purchase donated to White Creek
Lutheran’s scholarship fund. Flyers are
available in the narthex or our church/school office and must be presented at
the time of purchase. (You may also
present the flyer in electronic form if you got it in an email.) Please share this information with your
friends and extended family. You’ll
share an evening meal with lots of White Creek friends and help our school’s
scholarship fund at the same time!
YOUTH GROUPS will meet next
Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday evening, May 21, at 5:30 p.m. at Papa’s Grill for supper and then return
to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
“WHAT A GOOD Easter basket of
goodies I received from the Guild!
Thanks – you are very thoughtful!
God bless you all. – Harriett Meyer
WHITE CREEK RESALE: White Creek Resale will be
held Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 8:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in our school gym.
Information and sign-up sheets for sellers and volunteers are in the
narthex. Please join in a fun community
event to benefit the Building Fund and other ministries of our church and
school. Priced items will also be
accepted as donations for a “donate and done” area at the sale. Large item and business ad display options
are available. Please contact Katie Otte
or check out “White Creek Resale” Facebook event page for more information.
CHURCH NURSERY: As we teach our children what it means to
worship God and be respectful to those who have gathered to receive His
blessings, it is understood that some Sundays will be more trying than others. What can we say? They are learning. For those Sundays when things are more
trying, the narthex and the kindergarten room (which is through the doors of
the school and to the right at the end of the hall) are available for those who
would like to use them. Please feel free
to ask the elder or usher for assistance, if needed.
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies
of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” God has called us
to be His own. He has chosen us out of
love, out of mercy, out of sheer, divine joy.
The Apostle says that God has done this that we may share in His glory and
joy, that we may “proclaim the excellencies of Him” who has made us His
own. And truly, this is our
delight! His joy brings joy in our
hearts as well.