Monday, February 13, 2017

February 12 Weekly News

THE HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS will begin a 6-week session today, using material from Financial Peace University’s high school curriculum. This study will include a mix of video lessons with activities and other curriculum content designed to teach sound financial habits.  All high school students are invited to come.  Questions???  See Jean Jack. 


PASTOR WHITMORE would like to begin an adult instruction class soon for those who would like to learn more about our Lutheran doctrine and become communicant members of our congregation.  Those interested are asked to contact Pastor at 712-303-1256 or as soon as possible so dates/times can be coordinated.


HAVE YOU EVER wanted to speak to someone about their church attendance, but couldn’t find the words to say?  Have you ever been concerned about those who are not coming to the Lord’s house and wanted to do something about it?  As we continue to walk together in a common faith, St. John’s Evangelism Committee is looking for those in the congregation who would like to help in our effort to reach those in our congregation who have become inactive in their worship life for one reason or another.  We will be offering a training course to aid in conversing with our brothers and sisters who are not regularly meeting with us for divine worship.  The training will take place the last week of March at a time that is to be decided.  May God bless you as you consider this opportunity for strengthening our life together in Christ. 


OUR YOUTH GROUPS will be providing Valentines Date Night babysitting for children through 5th grade this evening from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in our school gym.  Bring your children and enjoy a night out!  A free-will donation will be accepted.  Hot dogs and snacks will be provided.


TRINITY OPEN HOUSE: Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to its final open house this afternoon from 2:00-4:00 PM.  All interested eighth grade students will receive a $75 voucher that covers half of the registration costs at Trinity for the 2017-2018 school year.  Please enter through the commons.


WIDOW’S WALK:  No one understands a widow’s loss like other widows and our Lord Jesus.  Widow’s Walk meets on the first Monday of the month at a local restaurant at 1:00 p.m. for lunch, a devotion, and the support they can give each other.  Persons may RSVP to 812-378-2075.


DEPOSITS OF $32.00 (church), $6,501.00 (school), and $449.00 (Foundation) have been made to those accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice program. A listing of those individuals who have directed their Choice Dollars is posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school.


AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held this coming weekend, Friday – Sunday, February 17-19.  A trailer will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded they will meet next Sunday evening, February 19, at 5:30 p.m. at Bob Evans restaurant for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


THE 2017 CLARITY PREGNANCY SERVICES BANQUET will be held Tuesday, February 28 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. (seating begins at 6:45) at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, Columbus.  Come and enjoy good food and fellowship as well as the opportunity to learn more about the restorative ministry taking place through Clarity.  Contact Janeen Blomenberg if you are interested in attending – White Creek has only five table spots open.  Cost is free, as sponsors have underwritten the cost of the banquet.  As part of the evening’s presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to commit to sharing their time, talents, and/or treasures.