Monday, March 6, 2017

March 5 Weekly News

PASTOR WHITMORE will begin an adult instruction class this Tuesday, March 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room for those who have indicated they would like to learn more about our Lutheran doctrine and become communicant members of our congregation and for anyone else in the congregation who would like a review of our doctrine.  If you have not yet signed up, but would like to attend, contact Pastor at 712-303-1256 or as soon as possible.


OUR MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP, Behold, Your King: Meditation on Selected Royal Psalms, continues this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  Psalm 2 is the selected reading for this worship.  The Guild will be serving ham with various salads and desserts before worship, beginning at 5:45 p.m.


HAVE YOU EVER wanted to speak to someone about their church attendance, but couldn’t find the words to say?  Have you ever been concerned about those who are not coming to the Lord’s house and wanted to do something about it?  As we continue to walk together in a common faith, St. John’s Evangelism Committee is looking for those in the congregation who would like to help in our effort to reach those in our congregation who have become inactive in their worship life for one reason or another.  We will be offering a training course to aid in conversing with our brothers and sisters who are not regularly meeting with us for divine worship.  The training will take place the last week of March at a time that is to be decided.  May God bless you as you consider this opportunity for strengthening our life together in Christ. 


THE BOARD OF ELDERS will meet after worship this Wednesday evening in the Fellowship Room.


PARENTS OF this year’s student confirmands will meet with Pastor and the Elders in the Fellowship Room after this Wednesday evening’s worship.


BIBLE STUDY:  Jean Jack will begin a Bible study on “Angels” on Wednesday, March 29, from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room.  Please contact her at 714-768-5731 or if you would like to attend.


MEMORIALS/GIFTS OF RECOGNITION:  If you would like to honor a loved one by giving a memorial or a gift of recognition for a birthday, anniversary, or other special event, those may be made at the school office in person or by mail.  A card will be sent to the family/individual acknowledging that the gift was sent to White Creek Lutheran School as well as being listed in our school notes and church newsletter.  All memorials/recognition gifts for WCLS will be used for various special projects of the school.

MANY THANKS TO Cari Hercamp, Jean Voelker, Lloyd & Jean Meyer, Karen Schlehuser, and Lori Hill for the new Lenten banners and the swag and crosses on the balcony rail.


VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY CHORALE, one of the top Lutheran choirs in the nation, will perform in concert this Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at St. Paul, Clifty, at 7:00 p.m. There will be a free-will offering collected to help offset the cost of the tour.


THIS WEDNESDAY, March 8, organist, Dianne Sprunger will present the Noontime Lenten Recital at First Presbyterian Church, 512 7th Street, Columbus.  Everyone is cordially invited.  Admission is free.


MOPS:  The Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group will meet this Friday, March 10, from 8:45-10:45 a.m. in Zion Lutheran Church’s Fellowship Hall.  A panel including Dr. Rosemary Weir, Mrs. Janeen Keinath, and Mrs. Chrissy Heiss will discuss children’s milestones, kindergarten readiness, and preschool.  If you plan to attend, please email to ensure a place for you and childcare for your little ones if they will be coming with you.



Historical Timeline of Events Relative to the Reformation -      

1436 – Johannes Gutenberg invents movable-type printing press

1455 – Gutenberg Bible printed

1463 – Frederick the Wise born, January 17                                                                               


LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES MEN’S GATHERING: This retreat                       on March 31-April 2 will feature Pastor Stephen Henderson speaking on the topic “Man of God.”  The focus will be on how difficult it is in our world to live as a man of God and to seek to build up a bridge for generations after us to rise above our culture.   Fishing and archery tag, a hog roast and deep-fry party, and the opportunity to fellowship with other Christian men while watching the Final Four are among the activities offered.  For more info or to register, contact Dave Vandercar at 812-498-4742 or dvandercar@ Brochures are available in the narthex.


 A SCHOOL question/suggestion box is available in the church narthex for the use of St. John’s members.