Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6 Weekly News

OUR SIXTH MIDWEEK Lenten worship will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM.  The Guild will be serving various meat casseroles, bread, and dessert before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held THIS EVENING at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


PHIL'S FRIENDS will be gathering at 6:00 PM this evening for card-making, with the Youth group meetings following at 7:00 PM.


NINE STUDENT CONFIRMANDS will be questioned this coming Saturday, April 12, at 9:00 AM.  Everyone is invited to come as these young people are examined in preparation for their confirmation next Sunday.



April 13:  Palm Sunday - Worship, 8:00 AM

                                        Sunday School (No BC), 9:00 AM

                                        Worship w/Confirmation, 10:15 AM

April 17 : Maundy Thursday - Worship w/Communion, 7:00 PM

April 18:  Good Friday - Worship, 7:00 PM

April 20:   Easter - Sunrise Worship, 8:00 AM

                                 Easter breakfast following

                                 Sunday School (No BC), 9:00 AM

                                 Worship w/Communion, 10:15 AM


QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.

EASTER ALTAR/NARTHEX FLOWERS:  Persons who would like to place Easter flowers on the altar/in the narthex are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) THIS WEEK.  Persons may order through Karen or purchase their own flowers, but please contact Karen so she can have adequate set-up prepared.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Micah & Monica Buss on the birth of their son, WILLIAM DANG BUSS, on March 27.  Liam arrived weighing 6 lbs. 6 ozs.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


FISH FRY/SILENT AUCTION:  The Kristie’s Krew 2014 Relay for Life Fish Fry and Silent Auction will be held at the Hope Moravian Church on Friday, April 11, from 4:00-8:00 PM.  A free-will offering will be received for  the meal, and many items will be available for bid at the silent auction.  All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.  Everyone invited.  Cookies/brownies needed - if you would like to donate, contact Tracey Engelau at 812-498-4025.


LWML SPRING RALLY: Our Ladies Aid will join with  Immanuel, Seymour, to host the LWML Columbus and Seymour Zones Spring Rally at Immanuel on Saturday, April 26.  Registration and breakfast will begin at 8:45 AM ($5 for registration).  The Rev. Jimmy Rodriguez will speak about building a Lutheran school on a recent mission trip to Haiti.  All Ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.


ST. PAUL, BORCHERS WALK tHIS WAY:  The W.I.N.G.S. (Women in God’s Service) group of St. Paul, Borchers, will be holding their 5th annual WINGS WALK tHIS WAY on Sunday, April 27, beginning at 1:00 PM.  Entry fee is $25 ($20 if registered by April 13).  Various prizes, including a Kindle Fire HD, will be raffled during the race.  All proceeds will go toward Picnic Woods improvements.  Pick up a registration form from St. Paul, Borchers, or register online at


PHIL'S FRIENDS WALK:  The 2nd Annual Phil's Friends Walk will be held on Saturday, May 3, at 10:00 AM here at White Creek.  Phil Zielke, founder of Phil's Friends, will be joining us and speaking about his two-time battle with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma.  A sign-up sheet to walk will be in the narthex, or contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238 to register.