Monday, September 29, 2014

Kristie Wessel's Visitation and Funeral

Kristie Wessel's visitation will be held at Barkes, Weaver, and Glick funeral home (West Hill location) on Tuesday, September 30th from 2:00-8:00PM and Wednesday, October 1st from 2:00-8:00PM at the same location. There will be an additional hour of visitation on Thursday, October 2nd from 9:30-10:30AM before the 10:30AM funeral at St. John's White Creek.

September 28 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by the family of Tim & Judy Hoene in celebration and thanksgiving of their 35th wedding anniversary tomorrow.  May God grant you many more happy years together, Tim & Judy!


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for October-December are available in the narthex.


OCTOBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held Sunday evening, October 5, at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this Wednesday evening, October 1, after worship (7:30 PM) in the Fellowship Room.  All council members are urged to attend.


PERSONS ARE REMINDED that their 2014 pledge to our "Arise and Build" building program is due by October 31.  Pledge envelopes are available in the narthex.


OPERATION UKRAINE, headquartered in Columbus, Mississippi, is gathering winter clothing to help more than 300,000 homeless people of the Ukraine face life in the cold northern country.  They have requested 6 or more semi trailer loads of winter clothing.  Clothing items needed are men's, women's, and children's winter coats and sweaters, caps, scarves, gloves, pants, long-sleeved shirts, shoes and boots, socks, blankets, and quilts.  (No summer clothes, please)  Items may be bought to the Orphan Grain Train Warehouse at Azalia.  Persons may call the warehouse at 812-579-6884 for more information.  A collection box is in the front hall of school to receive items.  Please have your winter items in by this Friday, October 3.


A BAKE SALE will be held after church next Sunday, October 5, sponsored by Bailey Newkirk as part of her Senior Project, "Pillows For Peds."  Proceeds will be used to purchase materials to make  pillows which will be given to children at Columbus Regional Hospital.  Any baked goods donations would be appreciated - questions???  Contact Bailey at 812-343-6474.


BRICKS that were ordered this year have been placed in the sidewalk/Memory Garden.  See Ernie & Donna Dettmer if you can't find where yours is located.


CONGRATULATIONS TO James & Michele Rockhill on the birth of their son, ABNER LEE, last Sunday, September 21.  Abner arrived weighing 6 lbs. 6 ozs. and measuring 19 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


"THIS WAS Mildred Behrman's Church and Church Family.  We are very grateful for all the friends and family support during the loss of our dear mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother.  The prayers, hugs, food and many kindnesses were wonderful and warmed our hearts.  Many thanks!" - The family of Mildred Behrman


"THE FAMILY OF Harold Meyer would like to thank everyone for their prayers and for their donation to Harold's church memorial fund during these past few weeks.  A special thanks to Pastor Cook and all who donated their time and food for the church funeral lunch." - Harriett Meyer and Barbara Lewis


"YOU MAY HAVE sent a card, a donation, food, or a lovely flower.  You may have visited the funeral home and given a hug or words of remembrance.  You may have prayed and asked the Lord to send His comfort for the family.  Whatever you did to let us know you care, we appreciate.  Thank you for your love and support." - Clara Claycamp and Family


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: Students in the  drama and music departments of Trinity will present Annie Thursday-Sunday, November 13-16.  Tickets will go on sale - $10/person - beginning this Wednesday, October 1.  Contact the Trinity office at 812-524-8547.


EXERCISE CLASSES:  A new exercise session will begin this week, offering Senior Fitness Mondays 2:00 PM, Pump Class Wednesdays 7:30 AM and Thursdays 3:30 PM, and Yoga Thursdays 7:45 PM.  Contact Janet Morey (812-350-6238) for more information.