Monday, April 30, 2018

April 29 Weekly News

MAY CALENDAR/NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO Mrs. Buss’s retirement celebration and luncheon next Sunday, May 6.  Our church and school families are asked to bring a salad or vegetable side dish to share for the luncheon.  Meat, dessert, drinks, and table service will be provided.  Memories and best wishes for Mrs. Buss may be posted to the special Facebook page set up for this occasion.
ONLY 4 MORE VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help pick up our altar flowers.  If you would be willing to pick flowers up from the Seymour Greenhouse one month out of the year, please contact Becky in the church office.  The more volunteers we have to take a turn will lighten the time and trips for all!

COPIES OF the church constitution by-laws and amendments proposal are available in the narthex slot or our church office.  Please help yourself.

WHITE CREEK LUTHERAN SCHOOL is still accepting pre-enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year.  Forms are available in the school office.

NEW ACOLYTE ROBES have been purchased, with thanks given to the Kreinhagen family for designating a portion of Dallas’s memorials to cover this cost.

POSITION AVAILABLE: St. John’s Lutheran School, Sauer’s, is accepting applications to fill the position of 5th-8th grade language arts/social studies teacher for the 2018-2019 school year.  A job description is available upon request. Questions and resumes may be submitted to Principal Jon Baumgartel,  1058 S. Co. Rd. 460 E. Seymour, IN  47274 or

“Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear fruit.” God is interested in the fruit that we bear in good works, and He even prunes us so that we may bring forth more fruit.  Trusting in our Lord’s work for us, being grafted by grace into His vine, we desire to be more like Him, to grow into His image.  That’s growth in fruit bearing…and it always comes with some pruning.