Monday, August 17, 2015

August 16 Weekly News

THE CHURCH TIME SURVEY needs to be returned to the church office by TODAY.  (Extra copies are in the narthex, if needed.) 


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded they will meet this evening at Bob Evans at 5:30 PM for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


AN 8-WEEK BIBLE STUDY, led by Jean Jack, will begin on Wednesday, September 9, 5:00-6:00 PM, in the Fellowship Room.  "God Is in the Laundry Room" is based on Jeremiah 29:13 and inspires women to see the purpose and significance in every part of their daily life and to seek God in even the smallest tasks.  Contact Jean at 1-714-768-5731 to enroll.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL enrollment forms for students in K-6th grade are available in the narthex. (Forms were sent with WCLS students last Wednesday.) VBS will be held on Saturday, August 29, from 9:00-3:00.  A few volunteers are still needed - check the sign-up sheet in the narthex.  Contact Katie Otte, coordinator, at 812-341-5333 for any questions.  Enrollment forms may be turned in to the church office.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday evening, August 19, at 5:30 PM.


ENGRAVED BRICKS for the walk and/or Memory Garden may be ordered through Labor Day.  Cost is $100/brick.  Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if interested in placing an order.



CHURCH HISTORY:  In April of 1909, the interior of the church was beautifully decorated for the first time at a cost of $500.  The decorating was done by G.H. Schanbacher & Son.


AS YOU freeze sweet corn, please keep in mind that donations of this for the Smorgasbord would be greatly appreciated!  Contact Annette Purdue (812-343-9149).


MANY THANKS TO all men, women, and children who came out and helped clear brush from the south side of our cemetery.  Many working hands helped make the job easier!


DEPOSITS OF $177.00 (church), $794.00 (school), and $35 (Foundation) have been made to those accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial's Thrivent Choice program by the directed choice dollars of the following:  Dale & Bettie Burbrink, Jan Buss, Clara Claycamp, Ernie & Donna Dettmer, Ken Dettmer, Doyce & Becky Eckelman, Sharon Kinsey, Keith & Amy Mensendiek, Donald & Kay Niemoeller, Lindsay Paluch, Abby Schroer, Linda Schroer, Louis Voelker, and Lindsey Von Fange.


GOLF SCRAMBLE:  Trinity Lutheran Church, Vallonia, will be sponsoring its 2nd Annual Golf Scramble at the Hickory Hills Golf Course, Vallonia, on Saturday, August 22.  Sign-in begins at 11:00 AM, with tee-off at 12:00 PM.  Contact Matt Helwig at 812-525-9313 or by email at to register.  All proceeds will go to the Trinity Lutheran Church Building Fund.


TRIVIA NIGHT:  If you like trivia, round up some friends and join Trinity Lutheran High School for a night of fun at the 11th Annual Trivia Night on Saturday, August 29, at 7:00 PM in the Bollinger Gymnasium.  Not only will you get a chance to prove what you know, but you'll also be entered to win some great prizes!  On sale now in the Trinity office, tickets cost $12 per person or $72 per table.  Please call 812-524-5847 for tickets or speak to one of the students traveling on the English Expedition.


FIRST ANNUAL LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES SPRING TRIATHLON:  Come join us as we close out our  summer program with the Sprint Triathlon, 5K, and Children's Fun Run on Labor Day, Monday, September 7.  Attend as a participant, volunteer, or spectator and enjoy a BBQ lunch and many activities, such as a bounce house, dunk tank, yard games, and much more.  Bring the whole family and enjoy a day at camp!  For more information, visit