Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 7 Weekly News

LUTHERAN WITNESS:  Contact Becky in the church office by TODAY to order/reorder the Lutheran Witness magazine.  Subscription price  remains at $15.00 for the year.  Checks may be made payable to our church.


GOD'S BLESSINGS TO Richard Noblitt, grandson of Richard & Bettie Noblitt, as he was baptized at last Wednesday's worship service.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held in the Fellowship Room TODAY after worship.  (No Bible Class)  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


PASTOR COOK & FAMILY will be visiting with their families in Michigan during the fall break.  Pastor Brandt will be leading our worship next Sunday, October 14, and the Wednesday service this week, October 10, and next, October 17.


OUR PARKING LOT will be sealed sometime during these next 2 weeks.  If you have a need to come to the office, please call ahead of time as the office will be closed when the sealing takes place.


THE THRIVENT CHAPTER elections will be held on Sunday, October 21, before and after worship.  Voting will be done in the narthex.  Members voting will be included in a drawing for Starbucks gift cards.


RESEARCH SURVEY:  Mrs. Vandercar is working to complete her master's degree, and, as part of a final project, she is conducting a short research survey about how our school is valued and perceived.  She would greatly appreciate your input!  You can pick up a paper copy of the survey in the narthex after church OR please visit the church blog ( to contribute your thoughts.


ST. JOHN'S (SAUERS) Men's Club will sponsor a Soup & Sandwich Supper and Bazaar THIS EVENING from 4:00-7:00 PM.  A free-will offering will be received.  Everyone invited.


ST. PAUL, WEGAN, will be holding its annual October supper next Sunday, October 14, from 4:00-7:00 PM.  Carry-out service is available.  Everyone invited.


WOMEN'S RETREAT:  Camp Lakeview is offering a fantastic Women's Retreat on October 12-14 with special guest speaker Jan Struck, known nationwide for her humorous and inspirational messages.  To pamper you, the weekend includes an optional massage, manicure, craft sectionals, and a Saturday evening banquet with entertainment.  For more information, pick up a brochure in the narthex or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.


A FALL BAKE SALE AND LUNCHEON will be served at Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall on Friday, October 19, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  The Auxiliary of CrossLife Ministries will be hosts, serving chicken casserole, green beans, salads, roll, desserts, and drinks.  Free-will donations will be accepted, and you may dine in or carry out.  Funds raised will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.  Tickets can be obtained from any Auxiliary member, by calling CrossLife Ministries at 812-522-8440, or at the door the day of the luncheon.  "Helping Hands" donation boxes located on the tables will help support Anchor House.


ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will have its annual Fish Fry on Sunday, October 21, from 4:00-7:00 PM.  A free-will offering will be received and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will provide supplemental funds.  Everyone invited.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL will be performing its 8th annual musical on Thursday, November 8, through Sunday, November 11.  This year's production is Annie Get Your Gun.  Performances will take place in the school's Commons at 7:00 PM nightly.  In addition, a matinee on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 will be available.  Tickets are $10.00 and may be purchased through the school office.  For questions or more information, please call the Trinity office at 812-524-8547.