Monday, August 25, 2014

August 24 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given in loving memory of  Mary Louise Schroer by her family.  Mary Louise went to her heavenly home 10 years ago this Tuesday, August 26.


SEPTEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.


LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their Bible study and meeting this Wednesday, August 27, at 9:00 AM, followed by working on items for the upcoming Bazaar.


THRIVENT MEMBERS:  We will have a BRIEF meeting in the back rows of church next Sunday, August 31, to update everyone on how the Thrivent Choice funds have been put to use for the school and the church and to gather member input for use of these funds as we move forward.  Please plan to attend.  Thank you!


LADIES BIBLE STUDY- FOOD FOR BODY AND SOUL:  Jean Jack will be hosting a 9 session Bible study for ladies on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM in the Fellowship Room, beginning on September 3.  We are called to be daughters and wives, sisters and friends, mothers and grandmas, volunteers, employees, citizens, and leaders.  Golden Fruit is a study that puts these roles into perspective.  Contact Jean Jack at or 714-768-5731 for more information.  A dinner salad will be served to nourish the body as we study God's Word to nourish the soul.


SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR:  Our Annual Smorgasbord/Bazaar is coming up on Saturday, September 20.  Sign-up sheets for help and donations will be available after worship today in the narthex.    A "Second Time Around" table will again be featured at the Bazaar for good used items (no clothes, please), so keep that in mind when cleaning out those closets and drawers!


CHURCH PICTURES/DIRECTORY:  We will be doing church pictures and putting out a new church directory in celebrating our 175th Anniversary in 2015.  The following is a timeline listing when this will be taking place:  Pictures will be taken on December 11, 12, and 13 and December 18, 19,  and 20.  We will be having sign-ups for appointments on October 26, November 2, 9 and 16 after church.  We are planning on having the directory completed by early spring 2015.


BASEBALL TICKETS: Those who ordered tickets for the September 7 game at Cincinnati may pick them up from the church office.


MUM SALE:  Our school is currently sponsoring its annual fall mum sale.  Eight-inch mums ($6.00) and fourteen-inch mums ($22.00) in various colors are available.  Order forms are available in the narthex or persons may order from any WCLS student (or email Becky).  Orders with payments need to be turned in to the school office by Wednesday, September 3.  Proceeds from the sale go to the Childrens' Fund to help cover special activities.


BRICKS:  Orders are again being taken for bricks for our sidewalk and memory garden from now through Labor Day (next week).  Cost is $100/brick.  To order, contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp.  Bricks will be placed in October.   If you would like to see design options that are available for the bricks, contact Becky in the church office.


ADDRESS UPDATE:  LCPL Smith Zachary, Mals-36 (41n), Unit 37141, FPO, AP 96372-7141  (Zach is currently serving in Japan for the next year.)


POSITION AVAILABLE:  Zion Lutheran Preschool is looking for a teacher assistant Monday-Friday for its 3s and 4s classes (daily schedule varies).  Contact Roy Stuckwisch, director, at 812-522-5911 for an application or more information. 


THE LWML COLUMBUS ZONE RALLY will be held on Saturday, September 13, at St. Paul, Clifty.  The mission presentation will highlight the Chinese ministry in Bloomington and Columbus. All ladies are invited.  Please mark your calendars!


2014 WALK FOR LIFE:  The Pregnancy Care Center's Annual Walk for Life, Be a Voice for the Voiceless, will be held on Saturday, September 20, at the East Columbus Christian Church, 3170 Indiana Ave.  Please note the insert included with today's bulletin.  Persons who would like to sign up to walk or donate may contact Jean Voelker (522-8168) or get a registration form from the church office.