THE LENTEN SEASON continues with midweek worship at 7 PM
Wednesday evening. The Youth will be
serving a taco bar supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.
March 24: Palm Sunday - Worship, 7:00 AM
Sunday School (No BC), 9:00 AM
Worship w/Confirmation, 10:00 AM
March 28: Maundy
Thursday - Worship w/Communion, 7:00 PM
March 29: Good Friday
- Worship, 7:00 PM
March 31: Easter -
Sunrise Worship, 7:00 AM
Easter breakfast following
Sunday School (No BC), 9:00 AM
Worship w/Communion, 10:00 AM
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet
at 5:30 PM next Sunday evening for supper, then will be returning to the
Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
YOUTH will meet next Sunday evening at 7:00 PM.
EASTER FLOWERS: Persons who would like to put flowers
on the altar or in the narthex for Easter are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser
(342-6140) as soon as possible. Persons
may purchase their own flowers or order through Karen.
SUNDAY SCHOOL will be having an Easter party on Easter
Sunday, March 31. Donations of individually
wrapped candy, trinkets, etc. are needed - monetary donations also
appreciated. Persons may leave donations
in the church office. Help to assemble
goodie bags for the celebration is also needed on the Saturday before Easter -
see Matt Riley or call him at 812-343-8553 if you would like to help with this.
MRS. CLOW'S RETIREMENT: A facebook page has been set up as a tribute
to Mrs. Clow’s teaching career. Visit to post your memories, stories, and expressions of
thanks and congratulations. We hope this
page will be a source of joy and encouragement for Mrs. Clow as she retires
from teaching and begins her next chapter of life. A retirement reception is planned for Mrs.
Clow after our worship service on Sunday, May 5.
blue plastic shoebox containing serving spoons.
Kept in the Fellowship Room and used at the Smorgasbord. Please return as soon as possible if you have
borrowed it.
"MANY THANKS to all for the prayers and cards. A special thanks to the Guild for the cheer
basket and to Jan Buss for delivering it and visiting me. I appreciate these many kindnesses so
much!" - Tillie Bode
THRIVENT "COMMON BOND" VOTE: Are you confused about the Thrivent
"common bond" vote taking place in March and
April? Then you're not alone! The Jackson-Jennings Chapter and Bartholomew County Chapter are sponsoring an informational session at 7:00 PM this evening in the lunchroom of Trinity High School. Tom Dobberstein, Managing Partner of the Indiana Region, will be there to tell you the reasons behind the proposal, speak about its advantages and disadvantages, and answer all your questions. Voting has already begun, but if you want more answers before making your decision and casting your ballot, this is your chance!
April? Then you're not alone! The Jackson-Jennings Chapter and Bartholomew County Chapter are sponsoring an informational session at 7:00 PM this evening in the lunchroom of Trinity High School. Tom Dobberstein, Managing Partner of the Indiana Region, will be there to tell you the reasons behind the proposal, speak about its advantages and disadvantages, and answer all your questions. Voting has already begun, but if you want more answers before making your decision and casting your ballot, this is your chance!
workshop, sponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, will be held here in
our Fellowship Room this Thursday, March 14, at 6:00 PM. Guest speaker will be Aaron Lanteigne, a
financial consultant with 16 years experience.
This workshop is hosted by local Indiana South Central Associates, Keith
Mensendiek and Aldona Reid. Coffee and
refreshments will be served. Call
Kristin at 317-519-5635 to reserve a place for you and a guest.