Monday, October 17, 2011

October 16 Weekly News

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet today after worship.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded that they will meet for supper this evening at the Fish Fry at St. Peter, Waymansville, and then return to the Fellowship Room for the monthly meeting and fellowship.

YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7 PM.

PASTOR COOK will be attending the All Church Workers Conference tomorrow and Tuesday. He and his family will be traveling to Michigan Wednesday evening through Monday, October 24. Pastor Brandt will be leading the service Wednesday evening and next Sunday. Please note: There will be NO Sunday School or Bible Class next Sunday, October 23.

ALL BULLETIN ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW as the bulletin will be copied Tuesday. The office will be closed Thursday and Friday, due to the school Fall Break.

LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their Family Night next Sunday evening, October 23, at 6:00 PM. Please bring a covered dish to share.

“EMILY AND I would like to thank everyone for all of the cards and gift cards that we received. Your words of encouragement and support are deeply appreciated! May God continue to bless you all!” – Pastor Cook & Family

“MANY THANKS TO all for the prayers, cards, visits, and other acts of kindness as I underwent surgery and during my recuperation. Your love and concern for me have been truly appreciated!” – Kathryn Taulman

DEPOSITS have been made to the church ($332) and school ($434) accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Choice program. The directed dollars to our church were from Mildred Behrman, Dale & Bettie Burbrink, Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Lloyd & Jean Meyer, Carolyn Peters, and Annette Purdue and to the school from Ken & Kyra Bode, Mark Bushur, Dean Claycamp, Ernie Dettmer, Keith & Amy Mensendiek, Michael Mensendiek, Terry Meyer, James Newkirk, Ben Peters, Brad Schlehuser, Joan Schlehuser, Terry Schlehuser, Gary Sims, and Lindsey Von Fange.

LCH NEEDS YOU for its Lutheran Community Home quarterly “Dining Room Bonus Buck Sale.” This is like a big yard sale for the residents to buy things with their “Bonus Bucks.” Our next sale is this Friday, October 21, at 2 PM, and items needed include baked goods, cookies, and other snacks, candy, or anything you would like to donate for the sale – shampoo, lotion, tissues, knick-knacks, jewelry, etc. Also needed are new or like-new clothing. Items may be dropped off at the Activity Room by Friday. Questions??? Call Susie Grelle at 812-522-5927, ext. 136. Thank you!

WHITE CREEK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is sponsoring its annual Hog Roast next Saturday, October 22, from 4:00-7:00 PM. Included will be entertainment, a quilt raffle, and a sale of baked goods and handmade crafts. A free-will offering will be received for the meal. Everyone invited.

ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, BROWNSTOWN, will be hosting their annual Soup Supper next Sunday, October 23. Serving will be from 4:00-7:00 PM. Everyone invited.

OUR YOUTH GROUPS will be sponsoring a Harvest Party on Saturday, October 29, from 6:30-8:30 PM. Featured will be food, games, prizes, and lots of fun! All children are invited, and parents are asked to accompany them and enjoy the evening!

CAMP LAKEVIEW DINNER AUCTION: Camp Lakeview’s Annual Dinner Auction will be held Saturday evening, November 19, at the Holiday Inn in Columbus. Attendees and donations are needed to make this event a success. If you would like to reserve a seat or donate items for the auction, please contact Dave or Whitney Vandercar at 812-988-7586 or call Camp Lakeview at 812-342-4815.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Heavenly Father, 

We are in the midst of trouble and trial.
Our hearts are wounded by sin and suffering.
Our minds are troubled by worry and fear.

And yet, even in this troubled place, You are near.

hand heart Pictures, Images and Photos

You hold our wrestling hearts in Your hands.

Teach us Lord, to find our peace in You.
Teach us contentment in plenty and in want;
Teach us trust in days of sunshine and in rain;
and fill us with the peace that the world cannot give.

In the name of Jesus, we pray

Listen to Sunday's sermon, Peace, based on the Epistle Lesson.

Gain vs. Loss

In this week's Epistle, Paul speaks of gain and loss.  Jesus radically changed Paul's perspective.  Paul declares, "I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

What do you count as "gain" in your life?
What do you regard as "loss?"

Is it possible that you, too, need a change of perspective?

Allow God's word to give you clear vision.
Listen to Sunday's sermon "Gain vs. Loss" here.
(based on the Epistle reading)

God, open my eyes.  Help me to see things as You see them.  
May Your Word correct my eyesight.  Amen.

Click here to listen the the sermon.