Monday, September 17, 2018

September 16 Weekly News

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to join Sunday School and Adult Bible Class as they meet after worship.  Sunday School children meet in the first grade classroom for opening, and adult Bible class meets in the Fellowship Room for a study on 1 John led by Pastor Whitmore.  Come and join in this study of God’s Word!

PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for October-December will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.  Large print, digest, and regular sizes are available.
SUBMIT YOUR BID (in the narthex) on the Meal Deals being offered this month by our Youth: Meal Deal #1 - chili, homemade bread, and peach cobbler and Meal Deal #2 - chicken enchiladas w/sour cream and lettuce and a cookie plate. Thanks for your support as our youth continue to earn funds for the Youth Gathering next summer!

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet this evening at 5:30pm at Papa’s Grill for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for socializing.

BOARD OF EVANGELISM will meet this Thursday evening at 6:30pm.

YOUTH GROUPS will meet after Sunday School next Sunday, September 23, to kick-off their regular monthly activites.

SUPPORT OUR YOUTH who are attending the National LCMS Youth Gathering in 2019 by purchasing from their Pampered Chef fundraiser through next Sunday, September 23.  The youth will earn up to 35% of purchases.  See a youth member who plans to attend the Gathering, Jennifer Whitmore, or go online to to place an order.  The youth thank you for your support!

GOLF OUTING:  It’s not too late to enter a team into the upcoming Youth Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour on Saturday, September 29, at 8:00am.  If you don’t have a full team, players will be paired up to make a team.  Cost is $65/player.  To register, call 812-350-2161, email                                     , or come the 29th and register at the event.  Come out and enjoy yourself and support our Youth!

INDIVIDUALS/BUSINESSES are being sought to be a sponsor for the Youth Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour on Saturday, September 29.  If you would like to be a sponsor or donate raffle items, please contact Jason Hill at (812-350-2161, or Michelle Barnett (  All proceeds will go to help with expenses to attend the 2019 National Youth Gathering next summer. 

WOMEN’S RETREAT:  Ladies of all ages are invited to spend a beautiful fall weekend at camp at Lakeview Ministries Women’s Retreat September 28-29. This year’s theme is The Lord’s Name: My Safe Place.  Hear from speaker Lisa Lessing from Fort Wayne, IN as she comes alongside women to help and encourage them toward a deeper and richer Christ-filled journey. For more information and to register, go online to

OPEN HOUSE:  Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to an open house on Sunday, October 7th from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. All eighth grade students will receive a $75 voucher that covers registration costs at Trinity for the 2019-2020 school year. Please enter through the commons. We hope to see you there!

SUPPORT TRINITY STUDENTS:  The Lutheran SGO student tuition assistance campaign for Trinity has started, and the goal this year is $260,000 in tuition assistance scholarships for our students.  So far, Trinity students have received $50,000 in tuition assistance while our supporters have received over $25,000 in Indiana State Tax Credits!  Please remember that all donations provided to the Lutheran SGO program in the name of Trinity will result in a 50% State Tax Credit to the donor.  If you are interested in receiving a donation form or would like more information about the SGO program, please contact David Probst at 812-603-7970.

DEPOSITS OF $10 (church), $268 (school), and $220 (Foundation) have been made to those accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice program by the directed Choice Dollars of Mark Buss, Ernie & Donna Dettmer, Jean Jack, Brian Purdue, and Kristin Simons.

BABY BLESSINGS:  Congratulations to Stacy & Brea on the birth of their son, GRAYSON LEE YORK, on Friday, September 7.  Grayson arrived weighing 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and measuring 20 ins. And congratulations to Logan & Emila on the birth of their daughter, JOSALYNNE MARIE FOWLER, also on Friday, September 7. Josalynne arrived weighing 9 lbs. 5 ozs. and measuring 21½  ins.  Both moms and babies are doing fine.  God’s blessings to all of them!

DESSERT DONATIONS: The Trinity Lutheran High School auction committee is looking for donations for the silent dessert auction and we need your help to make this a success! If you have a favorite dessert you would like to donate for the auction, please contact (call, text, or email) Jill Baumgartel @ 812-530-7095, or Holly Sawyer @ 812-528-0645,  and let them know what dessert you would like to donate by Sunday, November 18th. Your name & dessert will be featured in the auction catalog.  (*This is a donation that will be included in the auction, not used as a dessert for the supper.)

“Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, ‘I believe’ help my unbelief!.”  Haven’t we often felt like this!  And notice that Jesus does not throw the man out because of his weakness of faith: He still blesses the man as His Lord.  But neither does Jesus leave people in weakness of faith.  He blesses us and calls us to a deeper faith-as He did to the disciples in the boat on the storm tossed sea.  How does our faith grow?  By hearing the Word of God.  What does our faith lead to as it grows?  A godly life lived in thanksgiving to our Lord.      TBLESSINGS ON YOUR WEEK! T