Monday, July 27, 2015

July 26 Weekly News

TODAY WE WELCOME Rev. Herbert Schumm, a representative of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation.  After today’s service, Rev. Schumm will tell about LHF’s mission work around the globe and how God calls people to faith through the Lutheran literature available in their own languages.  To support this important mission effort, you may use the special offering envelope attached to the enclosed LHF brochure.  Today’s loose change plate offering will go to support the LHF’s mission work.


AUGUST CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.


OUR OLD FASHIONED MISSION FESTIVAL, part of our 175th anniversary celebration, is being held after today’s worship.  Everyone is invited to enjoy a picnic lunch, carriage rides, pony rides, cupcake walk,   carnival games, an old fashion concession stand with candy, cracker jacks, pies, cookies, drinks, and hand-dipped ice cream cones.  Get out your lawn chairs, eat and listen to music, and enjoy the fun and               festivities.  All of this at old time prices - just 25 cents will purchase one of these concessions, rides or  activity.  All  proceeds will go to missions.   Be sure to check out the antiques and artifacts that are on   display outside and in the gym.


IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED your church directory, please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).


THE OPHAN GRAIN TRAIN OPEN HOUSE:  The dedication, ribbon cutting, and Open House for the  Orphan Grain Train will be held this afternoon, with the dedication service beginning at 2:00 PM at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Jonesville.  Parking will be at St. Paul’s, and a shuttle bus will operate between St. Paul and the warehouse site at 209 Jackson St., Jonesville until 5:00 PM.  Those attending will have the         opportunity to “work like a volunteer” with hands-on experience in the sorting area and to make a donation of clothing for children from birth-age 5 toward the shipping of the first overseas container to the Latvia orphanages..  Light refreshments will be served, and a silent auction of 12 handmade quilts will be held, with all proceeds to help offset shipping costs.


THE CHURCH TIME SURVEY that was included with the last Quarterly Newsletter needs to be returned to the church office by Sunday, August 16.  (Becky has extra copies, if needed.)  At the last Quarterly Voters’ Meeting, the voters decided to send out this survey to all church households, and however the majority votes, if any change is decided, it would begin the Sunday after Labor Day, September 13.  Watch your weekly bulletin for any update.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday evening, July 29, at 5:30 PM.


PARENTS OF OUR WCLS STUDENTS are reminded that registration for the upcoming school year for students in grades 3-8 will be held this Thursday, July 30, from 9:00 - 11:00 AM and 5:30 - 7:00 PM.          Students in K-grade 2 and all new students will be visited by their teachers.


BIBLE STUDIES:  Emily Cook will be leading two Bible studies on Luther’s Large Catechism, beginning  in August - Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 PM at the parsonage  (babysitting provided), beginning August 5 and Sunday evenings at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room (no babysitting provided-men are  welcome, too!), beginning August 9.  Questions???  Contact Emily at 812-447-8693.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help with this year's Vacation Bible School on  Saturday, August 29, from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Please look over this list of helpers that are needed and see where you can use your gifts!
Music Leader - play guitar or piano - teach and lead music - choose songs based on the theme - lead  children singing Sunday
Registration - welcome families and help sign in children -available for other roles throughout the day
Skit Leader- create, organize, and facilitate morning and afternoon skits based on the theme
Food Coordinator- supervise snack and lunch preparation, distribution, and clean up
Grill Master - arrange for grills and supplies and grill hotdogs for lunch
Craft Leader- plan, organize, and facilitate 2 theme based crafts each for 3 age levels
Recreation Leader - plan and lead 2 active, theme based games/activities, for 3 age level groups
Group Leaders - lead lesson discussion, classroom activities, and group rotation throughout the day -   levels K-1st, 2nd-4th, and 5th-6th
Child Care facilitator - provide care for volunteers' children under the age of 5
Sign-up sheets are in the narthex.  Please specify in which area(s) you would like to be involved and whether you prefer to take the lead (adults) or assist (7th grade-adult)!  Thank you so much for your help in making this year's VBS a fun and beneficial event!  Questions???  Contact Katie Otte (812-341-5333)
ST. JOHN’S IS PLEASED to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making regular offerings.  Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card.  Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.  You can check it out at
FIRST ANNUAL LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES SPRING TRIATHLON:  Come join us as we close out our  summer program with the Sprint Triathlon, 5K, and Children's Fun Run on Labor Day, Monday, September 7.  Attend as a participant, volunteer, or spectator and enjoy a BBQ lunch and many activities, such as a bounce house, dunk tank, yard games, and much more.  Bring the whole family and enjoy a day at camp!  For more information, visit