WELCOME…. to all who have gathered in God’s house to worship Him Who came, Who comes and will come again, Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. A special greeting to seminarian graduate candidate Jacob Hercamp for delivering today’s message from God’s Holy Word.
WE COME IN PRAYER: Dear Lord, we have not thought seriously about Your return because we are not always ready. Forgive us. May this new Advent season give us a new understanding of what it means to be expecting You. Replace our fear with the joy of knowing we stand before You, wearing the robe of righteousness earned for us through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PRACTICE: Practice for the Children’s Christmas Eve program is being held every week during the Sunday School hour. All children, preschool and older, are invited to participate and are encouraged to attend Sunday School weekly for the practices.
CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC: Persons who would like to share their musical talents by singing or playing an instrument are encouraged to participate in our Christmas Eve pre-service music at 6:15 p.m. Please contact Jessica Morphew (812-343-9110) or Lorna Meyer (812-350-5768) or send an email to sundayschool@whitecreek.org.
FIRST MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jung will be preaching on “A List.” Sloppy joes, coneys, salads, and desserts will be served by the Guild before worship, beginning at 5:45 p.m.
PASTOR KEINATH will be out of town this Friday, December 2, through Wednesday afternoon, December 7. Pastor Jung and Pastor Bauman will be available in case emergency pastoral care is needed.
DECEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
ADVENT DEVOTIONS, written by our WCLS confirmation students, are available in the narthex. Please help yourself if you did not get one last Sunday.
ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT will be held this evening at 6:30 p.m. A few spots are still available – check the sign-up sheets in the narthex.
POINSETTIAS: Please contact Karen Schlehuser (812-342-6140) by Sunday, December 18, if you would like to place poinsettias on the altar/in the narthex for Christmas. Persons may purchase their own or order through Karen.
CHRISTMAS CANDY TREAT donations may be given to the elder/ushers on duty, Joanie Otte, or Becky in the church office by Sunday, December 18.
ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will be holding its Annual Living Nativity this coming Friday, December 2, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Hand bells will be played in the sanctuary by the Sunday School children, and free refreshments will be served in the parish hall. Come and see King James, the camel, and all the other animals and celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus!