needs and emergencies will be responded to by Pastor Jung (812-764-8664) and
Pastor Bauman Wednesday, November 4 through Wednesday, November 11. Pastor Keinath will be serving another Midwest
District in reconciliation work.
will meet this evening at 7 PM.
ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT: Make your reservations now! Invite your family members, friends, and
neighbors for a Christ-centered preparation for the holiday season on Sunday,
November 29, at 6:30 PM. The evening will include readings, a variety
of music, and desserts. There is no
charge for this event; however, we will be collecting monetary donations to
support Warm Feet, Warm Hearts. Space is
limited. We recommend that you make your
reservations early. Sign up today in the narthex or contact Lindsay Paluch at
231-750-1256 or
WORSHIP with Holy
Communion will be held Wednesday evening, November 25, at 7:00 PM. Pastor Jung
will be leading our worship.
Non-perishable food items will be received to be delivered to the local
food pantry.
THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Sunday evening, November 22,
at 7:00 PM. All council members are
urged to attend.
CHURCH HISTORY: In 1939, a Furnace Fund was established. It was decided that every voting member would
pay $5 into a furnace fund if their yearly contribution for home purposes was
$10 or less and 50% of their yearly contribution provided they paid over $10
yearly for home purposes. Alfred Burbrink
was elected as treasurer of the Furnace Fund.
will gather for their holiday outing on Wednesday, November 18, at 11:30 AM at
The Chocolate Spoon in Seymour. Please
RSVP to Susan Cummings (812-988-2917) or Wanda Meyer (812-522-8688).
through 10/25/15 (43 Sundays) $425,137.16
Average per Sunday (43 Sundays) $ 9,886.91
Budget for 2015 $561,178.00
Average needed/Sunday 2015 $ 10,800.00
Shortfall through 43 Sundays $ 39,262.84
CONTACT Katie Otte
(812-341-5333) or Lakeview Ministries (812-342-4815) to purchase tickets for
Camp Lakeview's 11th Annual Dinner Auction, "ROUTE 66," which will be
held Saturday, November 21, at the Clarion Hotel Crystal Ballroom in Columbus. Tickets are $65/person or $600/table. New items, collectibles, antiques, goods or
services, handicraft items, monetary donations are being accepted for the
auction. Items are also needed for the silent auction. If you would like to
donate, please call Lakeview Ministries at 812-342-4815. All proceeds benefit God's work being done at
Lakeview Ministries, and all donations are tax-deductible.
AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held this coming weekend,
November 6-8. A trailer will be parked
on the church/school grounds to receive items.
This project is sponsored by our school’s parent organization, the WCA.
BUTTER BRAID/CHEESECAKE SALE: Orders are now being taken for a variety of
sweet breads and cheesecakes. See any
WCLS student or order through the school office by Wednesday, November 11. Items will be delivered in early
December. Proceeds will go to provide
special activities for our students.
WCLS BASKET BINGO NIGHT will be held Friday
evening, November 13. Doors will open at
5:30 PM with bingo starting at 6:30 PM.
Tickets ($20) are available from any WCLS student or the school office. Proceeds go to the students’ Chicago Trip
making blankets for Phil’s Friends, a Christ-centered non-profit organization
that brings hope to cancer patients. Phil’s Friends sends care packages and
cards to cancer patients and makes visits to them. Sydney will be collecting fleece material – 1
yd x 1 yd – to achieve her goal of 100 blankets. If you would like to donate fleece to Sydney,
you may bring it to the collection tote in the narthex. Questions???
Contact Sydney at 812-344-5872.
STILL MISSING: An insulated jelly roll pan from the Lemmon
funeral lunch. If found, please bring to
the church office.