TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Vivian Luenebrink,
Annette Purdue & family, Tony Luenebrink & family, and April May &
family in loving memory of Jerry Luenebrink, who went to his heavenly home 12
years ago today and by Dave & Cheryl Mensendiek in thanksgiving and
celebration of their 46th wedding anniversary today. May God grant you many more happy years
together, Dave & Cheryl!
Plan For Giving worksheet are being handed out today. Please prayerfully consider how you can be of
service here in our congregation and financially help further the work of God's
Kingdom here at St. John's. Please
return your completed Time & Talent Surveys to the container provided in
the narthex or give them to Becky in the church office.
SCHEDULING for taking family pictures for the church
directory will be done after worship TODAY, and next Sunday, November 16. Check the sign-up tables in the narthex. Questions???
Contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).
THE FOUNDATION BOARD will meet in the
sanctuary TODAY after worship.
THE ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN luncheon and program
will be held here TODAY, with serving to begin at 11:30 AM (meal being
provided). Come and enjoy a delicious
meal and learn about the important help the local Orphan Grain Train gives to
those in need.
today. A trailer is parked on the
church/school grounds to receive items.
Thanks for your support of this project, sponsored by our school's
parent organization, the WCA.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded to RSVP to Jean Voelker
or Kathryn Taulman today for this Wednesday's 11:00 AM holiday party at Stahl's
Cafe, Brownstown.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet next Sunday
at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly
meeting and socializing.
2014 PLEDGE:
Several people have requested an update for their school expansion
pledge for 2014. At this time, if you
would like an update, please feel free to contact our Building Fund treasurer,
Janet Morey, at or 812-350-6238.
A VETERAN'S DAY PROGRAM will be held here at
White Creek this Tuesday, November 11, at 9:30 AM in our gym. All are invited to this program which will
feature a slide show of veterans and active military service people related to
our congregation and school students.
"MANY THANKS TO all for the prayers
and cards, with a special thanks to Pastor Cook for his support and to those
who donated to and /or helped with the funeral dinner. Your kindnesses are deeply appreciated."
- The family of Delbert Kinsey
you have recently changed phone numbers or given up your home phone and just
using a cell phone, please give that information to Becky so records can be
updated for our upcoming church directory.
THOSE WINNING gift cards in last Sunday's Thrivent
election drawing include Mallory Meyer (grand prize), Debbie Schroer, Janet
Morey, Donna Dettmer, Doyce Eckelman, Evan Otte, Emila Fowler, Rachel Kidd,
John Schroer, Brian Purdue, and Paul Otte.
If you have not yet received your
gift card, please see Jan Buss.
TICKETS FOR our school's Basket Bingo Night this coming
Friday, November 14, are available from any WCLS student or through the school
office. Cost is $20/ticket.
EMILY COOK'S new devotional book, Between Seasons, devotions for those who wait for Spring, is now
available for purchase in the church office for $7.00.
EMMANUEL, DUDLEYTOWN, will be holding their
annual Harvest Festival Supper & Bazaar today from 3:30-7:00 PM. A free-will donation will be received with
Thrivent matching funds. Everyone
AN ORGAN RECITAL will be presented by Katie Timm,
doctoral organ student at IU Jacobs School of Music, on Friday, November 21, at
7:30 PM at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clifty.
Everyone is invited. Admission is
taken through Wednesday this week. Order
forms are available in the narthex or call Becky in the church office if
interested in ordering.