Monday, August 20, 2018

August 19 Weekly News

MANY THANKS TO Pastor Beabout for leading our worship this morning while Pastor Whitmore is away, leading the opening service for St. Paul Lutheran High School in Concordia, Missouri.

THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet briefly today after worship.  Please come to the front pews.

SUNDAY SCHOOL/ADULT BIBLE CLASS will begin again on Sunday, September 9.  Volunteers needed are two teachers for K-6, one teacher for pre-k, a song/lesson leader for preschool, and junior helpers.  Contact Jessica Morphew (812-343-9110) if you would like to help with this part of our church’s ministry. 

AUGUST YOUTH MEAL DEALS: Submit your bid on the sign-in sheets in the narthex.  Many thanks from the youth for your support!

BACKPACK SUPPLIES:  Please return all purchased supplies by TODAY – a box is in the narthex to receive items.  Thank you for sharing your blessings to help those in need!

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet for supper this evening at 5:30pm at Cracker Barrel in Seymour and then return to the Fellowship Room for socializing.  Guests are always welcome!

ITEMS FOR the September calendar and news need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.

LADIES AID MEMBERS will meet this Wednesday, August 22, at 9:00am for Bible study and their monthly meeting.  Guests are always welcome!

CRAFT NIGHT will be held this Thursday evening, August 23, at 6:30pm at the home of Cathy Bontrager.  All crafty people welcome!

THE YOUTH will be sponsoring another ice cream sale after church next Sunday, August 26.  Enjoy a refreshing treat and fellowship and support our youth as they continue to earn funds for the Youth Gathering next summer!

OUR ANNUAL SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR will be held on Saturday, September 8, with serving beginning at 4:30pm.  Cost of the meal is $10 for adults (13 and older), $5 for children 4-12 yrs., and free for children 3 and under.  Take-out orders will be available in the Fellowship Room.  Check the sign-up sheets today in the narthex for donations and help needed from our entire congregation.

ST. PAUL’S, JONESVILLE Sunday School would like to invite their White Creek friends to a Back to School Skate Party Sunday evening, September 9, from 4:30-6:30pm at Columbus Skateland.  Entry is free, skate rental is $2.

THE LWML FALL ZONE RALLY will be held here at St. John’s on Saturday, September 15.  Emily Cook will be the guest speaker.  Registration ($10, $5 first timers) will be from 8:30-9:00am, followed by the program, silent auction and servant event, and business meeting and closing with a salad luncheon at 12:00 noon.  All ladies are invited to attend.

GOLF OUTING:  Our Senior High Youth will be sponsoring a Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course, Seymour, on Saturday, September 29, beginning at 8:00am.  Entry cost is $65/player, which includes 18 holes with cart and lunch.  Registration deadline is Friday, September 7.  Registration forms are available in the narthex and our church office.  Prizes will be awarded and a raffle will be held.
INDIVIDUALS/BUSINESSES are being sought to be a sponsor for the Youth Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour on Saturday, September 29.  If you would like to be a sponsor or donate raffle items, please contact Jason Hill at (812-350-2161, or Michelle Barnett (  All proceeds will go to help with expenses  to attend the 2019 National Youth Gathering next summer. 

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is in need of volunteers (men and women) who would be willing to spend one morning a month helping assemble newsletters (usually the fourth Monday).  Come enjoy fellowship, drinks and snacks and help get Trinity’s news out.  The next newsletter assembly will be Monday, August 27 at 8:34am.  Many hands make light work!

LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES TRIATHLON: The 4th Annual Lakeview Sprint Triathlon, 5K Run/Walk, and Children’s Fun Run will be held on Monday, September 3!  This Labor Day event is a sporting and fund raising effort designed to benefit both the camp’s mission of providing a Christian experience of growth, inspiration, and recreation and its desire to keep registration costs financially feasible for any family who wants to send their child or children to camp.  The day’s sporting events will be followed by a community day. Fellowship, food, and entertainment for the whole family will be provided.  (A free will offering will be accepted to defray food costs.)All are invited to come out and join in as either a participant, volunteer, or community member that day! 

AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held August 31-September 2.
A trailer will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.  This project is sponsored by our school’s parent organization, the WCA.

FREE ITEM:  The elders have taken down the TV antenna at the parsonage.  The antenna is in good working condition and is available to anyone interested – first come, first serve.  Contact Rex Enzinger (812-498-8905).

MOMS GROUP of Zion, Seymour, is searching for childcare workers for the 2018-2019 school year.  This person will be responsible for supervising and caring for children during the meeting times (three Fridays per month from 8:45-10:45am).  This is a paid position.  Interested persons are asked to contact Tiffany Bowman at 812-569-4375 or for more information.

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.  Therefore do no associate with them.”  The wrath of God is a real thing and we do well to reflect on this.  As the Small Catechism states: God threatens to punish all who break these commandments.  Therefore, we should fear His wrath and not do anything against them.  But He promises grace and every blessings to all who keep these commandments.  Therefore, we should also love and trust in Him and gladly do what He commands.