Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December 24 Weekly News

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL OR ADULT BIBLE STUDY will be held after worship today and next Sunday, December 31.  Today’s schedule includes our Family Worship at 4:30 p.m., followed by Pre-service Music at 5:30 p.m. and the Children’s Christmas Program at 6:30 p.m.  Tomorrow’s Christmas Day Worship w/Holy Communion will begin at 9:00 a.m.  Next Sunday, December 31, we will have our regular worship
at 9:00 a.m. and the New Year’s Eve Worship w/Holy Communion at 7:00 p.m.

MANY THANKS TO Leah Schneider for helping with today’s service and for providing musical accompaniment.

PLEASE ENJOY fellowship and light refreshments after today’s worship.  Many thanks to the Thrivent Action Team for the hot chocolate and the Guild for the donations of cookies and donuts.

POINSETTIAS have been given in memory of loved ones by the following:
     *Franklin & Frances Burbrink, Orville & Edna Bode, Glen and Steve Bode by Dale & Bettie Burbrink
     *Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria Dettmer, Ken & Sharon Dettmer, and Jim & Sheri Dettmer
     *Nancy, Paul, and Leon Ferguson by Jackie & Steve Shroyer
     *Chet & Edna Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family
     *Bernice Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family
     *Bill & Carol Thompson by Jennifer & Doug Borcherding & Family
     *Ben & Mabel Burbrink by Bob & Karen Burbrink & Family
     *Alan Schlehuser by Josh, Lindsay & Brogan Hendricks
     *Jim Schlehuser, Russell & Margaret Foster, Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser by Karen Schlehuser & Family
     *James Ross by Mark & Kim Ross & Family and Mike & Kathy Ross & Family
     *Lester & Shirley Enzinger by Rex, Kim, Erin, and Samantha Enzinger
     *Omer & Hilda Dettmer, Ed, Kelli, and Julie Jack, Donald & Barbara Jack by Jean Jack & Family
     *Kristie Wessel by Janice Acree and Jenni Acton
     *Jay Lemmon by Cindy, Kayla, and Kylie Lemmon
     *Loved ones by Mary Anne Schneider
     *Alan Schlehuser and Henry Roettger by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

     *Gene Garrison by Todd & Shannon Garrison & Family

PLEASE REMOVE your poinsettia after the New Year’s Eve service next Sunday evening.  If you ordered a poinsettia through Karen, be sure to take a flower wrapped in gold foil.

MANY THANKS from pastor, the school staff, and the organists for the Christmas gifts.  Your continued prayers and support are certainly appreciated!

NO WEDNESDAY EVENING worship this week. 

THE CHURCH OFFICE HOURS will be flexible during the school Christmas break until January 4.  Please call before you come!

POSITION AVAILABLE:  The school board at St John’s White Creek Lutheran School is accepting applications for the position of Principal.  The position is full-time and will involve working with students from grades K-8. The position requires the candidate to have a Master’s Degree and Administrative Licensing. The individual may have teaching duties in addition to administration responsibilities. We are seeking someone caring and diligent about the Christian education of our children, so a Lutheran background and Synodical training is preferred.  Please send your resume to the school office by January 11, 2018.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:   2 Samuel 7:4              
“But that same night the word of the LORD came to Nathan...”  Nathan thought David’s idea was great, so he blessed it with the Lord’s name.  But later that night, the Word of the Lord set him straight.  The Word of the Lord must be the basis for what we think, say, and do in God’s Kingdom: not our own desires or whims.