Monday, July 30, 2012

July 29 Weekly News

PLEASE KEEP our school faculty and staff in your prayers as another school year approaches:  Michelle Barnett - K, Mary Anne Schneider - 1st grade, Kay Clow - 2nd grade, Kim Enzinger - 3rd grade, Lindsay Paluch - 4th grade, Jeffrey Kyler - 5th & 6th grades, Micah Owens - 7th & 8th grades, Whitney Vandercar, Jenn Riley (maternity leave) - Computer and Music, Janice Buss, 6th-8th grades math and principal, Pastor Cook - 7th & 8th grades confirmation, Jane Meyer - teacher aide, Elizabeth Brown - teacher aide, Becky Eckelman - secretary. 

AUGUST CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.

CHURCH PICNIC:  Everyone is invited to our 3rd annual church picnic to be held next Sunday, August 5, after worship.  Wear your play clothes, bring your most comfortable lawn chair, and come out and enjoy lunch and fun activities with your church family!  We would again like to display quilts, antiques, collectibles, St. John's memorabilia, hobbies, tractors, trucks, cars, etc., so gather your things together and bring them!  Any canopies to use for shade would be appreciated!   Items may be brought Saturday morning from 8:00-10:00 AM.  A hot dog/ham sandwich lunch will be served, along with popsicles and pie and ice cream during the afternoon.  Pie donations are needed - please contact Becky if you would be willing to bake a pie (no contest this year - just to be enjoyed!)  Also, lots of fun activities!

BIBLE STUDY:  Why is it so important to baptize babies?  Can an un-baptized baby be saved?  If you are able to come to Pastor Brandt's Bible Study on Thursday, August 16, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Room, you may be surprised to hear what some people are thinking.  Call Becky in the church office (342-3516) to enroll.

PARENTS OF OUR SCHOOL CHILDREN are reminded that registration for grades 2-8 for this coming school year will be held this Thursday,  August 2, from 9:00-11:00 AM and 6:30-8:00 PM.  Home visits are being made to all kindergartners, first graders, and families new to our school.

A HOG ROAST/AUCTION will be held THIS AFTERNOON from 2:00-6:00 PM at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds Community Building, with all proceeds going to Derek & Kristie Wessel.  Come out for some good food, fun, and fellowship!

BRICK ORDERS will be taken anytime from now through Labor Day.  Cost is $100 per brick.  Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer, Larry & Janice Claycamp, or Lloyd & Jean Meyer.  Bricks will be ordered after Labor Day, with placement sometime in October.

"MANY THANKS TO those who remembered me with cards on my 85th birthday.  I so appreciate your thoughtfulness!" - Fazenda Darlage

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL will be holding a Dedication Ceremony and Open House for the new building expansion next Sunday, August 5, at 4:00 PM in the Bollinger Athletic Complex.  Installation of Trinity's faculty and staff for the 2012-2013 school year will also take place during the ceremony.  All are welcome to help celebrate this new chapter in Trinity's history!

LWML MISSION MOMENTS:  154 delegates awarded $120,000 in mission grants at the LWML convention in June.  Concordia Seminary Food Bank and Clothing Co Op, Ft. Wayne received $12,000, and Concordia Seminary Food Bank, St. Louis, MO  received $10,000.   The food bank and the  Food and Clothing Co-op exist to aid students who are studying to become pastors and deaconesses with costs associated with feeding themselves and their families while they are students.

The Food and Clothing Co-op currently supplies 75% to 85% of all families’ food and household needs each month at no cost to the student, relying upon donations from individuals, congregations and organizations. The $12,000 grant will be used to purchase three months of perishable items for the Co-op.   The $10,000 will help finance the operational costs of the Food Bank.