A SPECIAL VOTERS’ MEETING will be held next Sunday, April 22, after
church to extend a call to teacher(s) for the coming school year. All are encouraged to attend.
SENIOR LEAGUE will meet this evening at 5:00 p.m. at IHOP
restaurant at West Hill. They will then
return to the Fellowship Room for socializing.
YOUTH will meet this evening at 7:00 p.m.
BOARD OF EVANGELISM will meet this Thursday, April 19, at 6:30
THE FOUNDATION will meet for a brief meeting after worship on
Sunday, April 29. Please meet in the
front church pews.
MANY THANKS TO Karen Schlehuser
for her many years of service in picking up our altar flowers every week. Karen would like to “retire” from this duty,
so new volunteers are needed. If you
would be willing to be included in a pick-up schedule (once/month, one
month/year, etc.), please contact Becky in the church office.
GROUNDS! Helpers are needed to pick up sticks, trim
bushes, spray weeds, etc. See chairman,
Brian Schultz, if you would be able to help.
All ages welcome!!!
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO Mrs. Buss’s retirement celebration to be held
on Sunday, May 6. The planning committee
is asking our church and school families to bring a salad or vegetable side
dish to share for the luncheon. Meat,
dessert, drinks, and table service will be provided. If you have any pictures you would like to
share in a slideshow that will be presented that day, please drop them off in
the church office or email them to wvandercar@whitecreek.org. Memories and best wishes for
Mrs. Buss may be posted to the special Facebook page set up for this occasion.
accepting pre-enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year. Forms are available in the school office.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June
11-14, 6:00-8:00 p.m. each evening, for children age 4 through 6th
grade. Persons may register online at https://vbsmate.com/events/whitecreekVBS/16118.
Volunteers are needed to plan/help with one of the following activities:
snacks, crafts, and outdoor fun. Contact
Jessica Morphew (812-343-9110) if you would like to enjoy four evenings of fun and
fellowship with God’s children!
for the many kindnesses shown to us at the passing of our dear husband, father,
grandfather, great-grandfather, Dallas Kreinhagen. We so appreciate the visits to Dallas at home
and in the hospital, the prayers and cards during his illness and passing, and
especially all of Pastor Whitmore’s visits and words of comfort to Dallas and
all of us. A special thanks to those who
donated food and helped with the delicious funeral lunch. We are blessed to
have so many caring, loving friends! - Dallas Kreinhagen’s Family
Hannah Kelley on the birth of their daughter, AMELIA JOY OTTE, on Friday, April
6. Amelia arrived weighing 8 lbs. 5 ozs.
and measuring 20 ins. Everyone is doing
fine – God’s blessings to them!
DEPOSITS OF $1,973.00 (school) and $16 (Foundation) have
been deposited to those accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent
Choice program by the directed choice dollars of the following: Gary Burbrink, Ken Dettmer, Ellen Dunn, Jane
Hoffman, Tim & Carmen Kreinhagen, Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Daniel
McGaha, Terry Meyer, Kay Niemoeller, Kristin Simons, Matt Taulman, Charlotte
Voelker, and Tim & Lindsey Von Fange.
THE TLHS Variety Show will
be performed in the TLHS gymnasium this Friday, April 20, beginning at 7:00
p.m. Tickets are $5/person and can be
purchased at the door. Variety Show
directors are Michelle Bauman and Leah Schneider. Funny skits, songs, handbells, performances
by the TLHS ban, choir, and guitar classes, and much more will be included to provide
laughter and entertainment throughout the night. Bring the entire family and don’t miss this
chance to see the Trinity students perform!
ORGAN CONCERT: Dr. Craig Cramer, Professor of
Organ/University Organist at the University of Notre Dame, will present an
organ concert this Friday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul, Clifty. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
PALMS FOR SALE: $10 each (3 available). Contact Karen Schlehuser if interested
“Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will
be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him,
because we shall see him as he is.” There is the essence of our
sanctification: becoming like our Lord.
As St. John notes, this will only be completed in the Resurrection. But until then, we are called to trust His
grace and to grow into His image more and more.