Monday, August 31, 2015

August 30 Weekly News

SEPTEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


MANY THANKS TO the Men's Chorus for joining us in worship today and providing special singing for our Musical Heritage Sunday as we continue our 175th Anniversary celebration.


PASTOR COOK will be traveling to Florida next weekend to unite Zach Smith and Rachel Terry in        marriage.  Rev. Matt Jung will be leading us in worship next Sunday and on Wednesday evening,         September 9.  Should an emergency arise, please contact Becky, and she will make a pastoral contact.


RESERVATION FORMS for the 175th Anniversary lunch on Celebration Sunday, September 27, are  available in the narthex.  The meal will be catered by The Rolling Pin, so it is very important to return this RSVP so that we have an accurate number to prepare for.  All reservations are due by NEXT Sunday, September 6.


THE 2ND CONGREGATIONAL PICTURE will be taken after church TODAY to give those who missed the first one that was taken May 3 the opportunity to be included.  Those who did not have their picture taken in the May 3rd congregational picture are asked to go to the bleachers set up in the yard south of the church.


AN 8-WEEK BIBLE STUDY, led by Jean Jack, will begin on Wednesday, September 9, 5:00-6:00 PM, in the Fellowship Room.  "God Is in the Laundry Room" is based on Jeremiah 29:13 and inspires women to see the purpose and significance in every part of their daily life and to seek God in even the smallest tasks.  Contact Jean at 1-714-768-5731 to enroll.


ENGRAVED BRICKS for the walk and/or Memory Garden may be ordered through Labor Day.  Cost is $100/brick.  Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if interested in placing an order.


CHURCH HISTORY:  May 13, 1930, Ladies' Aid was organized at the parsonage.  The meeting was opened at 2:00 PM with a scripture reading by Rev. Schulenburg.  It was decided to meet once a month on the last Thursday of each month.  Each member was to pay ten cents a month in dues.  That money was to be used for home church purposes.  There would be a free-will offering taken for missions.


MARK YOUR CALENDARS:  Because of the planned anniversary catered lunch on our celebration Sunday, September 27, Sunday School will begin at 9:00 AM and Worship at 10:15 AM that Sunday.  This will make it more convenient for everyone as we celebrate our 175th Anniversary!

SMORGASBORD SIGN-UP SHEETS are available in the narthex today.  Our Annual Smorgasbord/Bazaar will be held on Saturday, September 19, with serving beginning at 4:30 PM.  Please take this opportunity to sign up for food donations and to volunteer to work with your church family.  The Smorgasbord has been our big annual event since 1931, and it takes a team effort from the whole congregation to pull it off.  Proceeds from the evening will go toward church and school projects.  This is one of our largest money making projects of the year, and we truly appreciate all the support we receive from our area churches, so spread the word to all your friends and neighbors!    Questions???  Contact Annette Purdue at (812) 343-9149.


ITEMS NEEDED for our upcoming Bazaar on September 19 include gently used items for the Second Time Around table (NO clothes - please indicate whether you would like the item back if it doesn't sell), handmade crafts, and homemade baked items.  Children and adult books sell very well. The gently used items and crafts may be brought to the gym on Friday, September 18, and baked goods on the morning of the Bazaar.  Please price all items.  Questions???  Contact Jean Voelker (812-522-8168).


SCHOOL FUNDING WORKSHOP:  On Saturday, September 12, GraceWorks Ministries will be at White Creek to present a school funding workshop.   As discussed in the last voters' meeting, the Board of Education is exploring funding options to make our school financially secure for coming generations.  A listing of the day's sectionals has been posted on the school bulletin board in the front hallway.  --  The presentation will run from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on that Saturday.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided.  If you are interested in attending, please contact Jan Buss.  Our attendance numbers must be confirmed by this Thursday, September 3rd, so please respond by that date.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Micah & Monica Buss on the birth of their daughter.  The baby arrived about 6 weeks early and weighed about 4 lbs. so she will spend some time in the hospital.  God’s blessings to her as she grows and gains strength. 


WCLS MUM SALE:  Our school is currently sponsoring its Fall Mum Sale.  Eight and fourteen inch potted mums are available in a variety of colors.  See any WCLS student or check with Becky in the office to order.  All orders with payments must be received by this Wednesday, September 2.  All proceeds go to help cover expenses for special school projects.


POSITIONS AVAILABLE:   St. Paul, Clifty, is seeking a Director of the Early Childhood Ministry beginning with the 2016-2017 school year.  The position is part-time (15-20 hours per week).  Applicants would    ideally be synodically trained with a teaching degree and some classroom experience.  Interested applicants should contact the school at 812-376-6504 or by email at for more information.     Trinity Lutheran High School is seeking candidates to teach high school art during a   maternity leave for approximately nine weeks starting in October.  Projects will have been discussed with students, lesson plans will be complete and available, and occasional visits from the teacher will also be helpful during this time frame.  A typical work week would be Tuesday-Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Please contact Daniel Sievert if interested at 812-524-8547.


COME AND SUPPORT the TLHS volleyball team as they host a dinner this Thursday, September 3, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. before their first home game against Christian Academy.  Tickets are $5/person and include a BBQ sandwich, chips, drink, and dessert.  Tickets may be purchased from any volleyball player or at the door on the night of the dinner.  Hope to see you there!


THE FOLLOWING PAGE of this bulletin is an attempt to list the musicians and music teachers who have served our congregation.  If you have any additions or corrections to this listing, please let Becky know.