Friday, February 3, 2012
One Woman's Abortion Story
I saw this video during my training as a pregnancy care center volunteer. I will never forget her story. I will never forget the way it opened me up to more compassion for both the child AND the mother.
Slow connection? You can see a shorter version here.
Part 2 of Sanctity of Human Life articles by Emily
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Prayer request: Carrie Dettmer
She will be having a heart ablation next Tuesday.
Please click here to read her thoughts and drop her a note of encouragement!
Monday, January 30, 2012
January 29 Weekly News
WE REJOICE WITH Matthew & April May as they bring their son, HUNTER LEE, to be baptized this morning. Hunter’s sponsors are his uncle and aunt, Michael & Cindy May. God’s blessings to you, Hunter!
FEBRUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet TODAY after worship in the church office.
PASTOR COOK will be offering an adult instruction class, beginning this Wednesday, February 1, after the evening worship service (approx. 7:30 PM). There will be 5-6 sessions. Contact Becky in the church office to enroll, or if you know of someone that might be interested in attending.
PASTOR BRANDT’S BIBLE STUDY: In Galatians St. Paul has a lot to say about the Judaizers. Who were the Judaizers? Why were they such a danger to the church? Do we have a similar threat in the church today? We will discuss this in Pastor Brandt’s Bible Class, beginning Thursday, February 9, at 10:30 AM (weather permitting and God willing) in the Fellowship Room. Contact Becky in the church office to enroll.
2011 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS are available from financial secretary, Chris Newkirk. If you have not yet received yours, check with her after church today.
OPEN HOUSE: White Creek Lutheran School will hold its annual Open House this Friday, February 3, from 8:30 AM-2:30 PM. Interested persons are invited to sit in on classes during the course of the day, and the teachers will be available to answer any questions in between instruction times. (Snow dates: Mon., Feb. 6, and Fri., Feb. 10, if needed)
THE LUTHERAN LAYMEN’S LEAGUE Annual Spring Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, February 12, at St. Peter’s Lutheran in Columbus. Registration will begin at 5:30 PM, followed by the meal (catered by The Rolling Pin) at 6:00 PM, entertainment, a very short business session, and the keynote speaker, Pastor Ted Krey. The Orphan Grain Train trailer will be on site to receive donations. Child care will be available; call Eric Scheidt (579-5816) for details and to reserve space. Tickets ($12/person) are available from Keith Mensendiek.
PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION: St. Peter Sprouts Preschool, Waymansville, will hold public registration, beginning February 20. Three-year-old, four-year-old, and pre-k classes will all be offered next year. Amy Sciano, director, will be here next Sunday to provide more information and answer any questions.
MANY THANKS TO those who supported last Sunday’s Sanctity of Human Life penny collection. A total of $87.24 was received and given to the Pregnancy Care Center.
SOUP SUPPER AND EUCHRE PARTY: St. Peter, Waymansville, will be sponsoring a Soup Supper and Euchre Party this evening. The supper will begin at 5:30 PM with cost of $5/person, and the Euchre Party will begin at 6:30 PM with also a cost of $5/person. Proceeds will go to the Seymour Lutheran Braille Workers and CSC Ministries, coordinated by Pastor Lepley of Redeemer, Seymour. Supplemental funds will be provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Everyone invited.