Monday, December 5, 2011

December 4 Weekly News

OUR SECOND MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Youth will be serving a spaghetti supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM. May these midweek worship opportunities help you to prepare for the blessed celebration of our Savior’s birth!

ADVENT DEVOTIONS are available in the narthex. These devotions are made available through Lutheran Hour Ministries. Please help yourself.

WELCOME TO Matt, Jen, Katie, and Elli Riley as they have transferred their membership from Trinity Lutheran, Indianapolis. Offer them your hand in friendship and help them feel at home with us!

2012 LUTHERAN ANNUAL: Orders are now being taken for the 2012 Lutheran Annual, a listing of Missouri Synod Lutheran congregations, ministers, and teachers. Cost is $21. Contact Becky in the church office. The Annual will be available in December.

COOKIE SALE: The Ladies Aid and Guild will be sponsoring the Annual Cookie Sale next Sunday after worship. All cookie donations need to be brought to the Fellowship Room by 1:00 PM next Saturday, December 10. Any and all donations welcome!

FINANCIAL UPDATE: Approximately $50,000 is needed to meet our financial obligations through year’s end.

CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS: Persons who would like to put poinsettias on the Altar/in the narthex for Christmas are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) as soon as possible. Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.

DONATIONS for the children’s Christmas candy treats may be given to any of the ushers or to Becky in the church office.

CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC: Persons who would like to provide pre-service music before the Children’s Christmas Eve service are asked to contact Julie Schlehuser (342-4951).

DENIM RUGS: If interested in ordering a denim rug from the Ladies Aid, please contact Jean Voelker (522-8168) or Sharon Dettmer (342-4084). (The Ladies Aid is accepting old blue jeans to cut for these rugs.)


“Thanks for the prayers, cards, and visits as I underwent surgery recently. Thanks be to God for my recovery!” – Lester Otte

“Thanks to everyone for the prayers and cards for my daughter-in-law, Pat Dyer, and for me as I suffered from shingles. We are both recovering and certainly appreciate your many kind thoughts.” – Nancy Dyer

“Thank-you to all for the prayers, cards, visits, and food given to our family at the passing of our dear mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Hilda Dettmer. A special thanks to Pastor Cook for his comforting words and to everyone who donated to and/or helped with the funeral dinner. You are all special blessings to our family!” – The Dettmer Family

Thanks to all who supported the Thanksgiving Eve benefit for the Wessel family at St. Paul, Clifty. Donations of $10,171.03 were received with $1,184.00 in matching funds from Thrivent, resulting in a total of $11,355.03.

Many thanks to Mike & Debbie Rittman (Sparkel Lawn Care) for their continuing care for our church lawn.

Thanks from the Love Chapel for the very generous food donation – they were very overwhelmed and appreciative!