Monday, August 3, 2015

August 3 Weekly News

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR FACULTY/STAFF as the new school year begins tomorrow:  Michelle Barnett-K, Mary Anne Schneider-1st grade, Jean Jack-2nd grade, Kim Enzinger-3rd grade, Lindsay Paluch-4th grade, Whitney Vandercar-5th grade, Kim Overgaard-6th grade, Micah McCormick-7th/8th grades, Jan Buss, Principal/Algebra, Pastor Cook-confirmation, Jane Meyer, Elizabeth Brown-teacher assistants, and Becky Eckelman, admin. asst.


BIBLE STUDIES:  Emily Cook will be leading two Bible studies on Luther’s Large Catechism, beginning  this Wednesday afternoon, August 5, at 3:30 PM at the parsonage  (babysitting provided), and next Sunday evening at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room (no babysitting provided-men are  welcome, too!).  Questions???  Contact Emily at 812-447-8693.


MANY THANKS TO the Anniversary Committee for planning such a blessed, fun Old Fashion Mission Festival last Sunday!  Praise to God for the donations of $401.00 in the plate offering and $1090.31 from the Mission Festival donations/activities tickets!  All of these donations will be forwarded to the Lutheran Heritage Foundation.


THE CHURCH TIME SURVEY that was included with the last Quarterly Newsletter needs to be returned to the church office by Sunday, August 16.  (Extra copies are in the narthex, if needed.)  At the last Quarterly Voters’ Meeting, the voters decided to send out this survey to all church households, and however the majority votes, if any change is decided,  begin that change on the Sunday after Labor Day, September 13.  Watch your weekly bulletin for any update.



A WORK DAY will be held next Saturday, August 8, at 8:00 AM.  Please bring any tree trimmers as brush will be cleared from the south side of the cemetery.  (Rain date Saturday, August 15)


CHURCH HISTORY:  In October of 1903, it was resolved that evening services be conducted in English.  This was unusual for most of the German speaking congregations.  Morning services were conducted in German until 1942 when all German services were discontinued.

A FEW VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED to help with this year's Vacation Bible School on Saturday, August 29, from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Please look over this list of helpers that are still needed and see where you can use your gifts!
Recreation Leader
- plan and lead 2 active, theme based games/activities, for 3 age level groups
Group Leader - lead lesson discussion, classroom activities, and group rotation throughout the day for 2nd-4th graders

Child Care Facilitator - provide care for volunteers' children under the age of 5

Volunteer Assistants - help with various activities throughout the day
The sign-up sheets are in the narthex.  Please specify in which area(s) you would like to be involved and whether you prefer to take the lead (adults) or assist (7th grade-adult)!  Thank you so much for your help in making this year's VBS a fun and beneficial event!  Questions???  Contact Katie Otte (812-341-5333)


ST. JOHN’S IS PLEASED to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making regular offerings.  Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card.  Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.  You can check it out at


AS YOU freeze sweet corn, please keep in mind that donations of this for the Smorgasbord would be greatly appreciated!  Contact Annette Purdue (812-343-9149).


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL will be holding its 15th Academic  Year Banquet Celebration on Sunday evening, August 16, beginning with tours of the building from 5:00-5:40 PM and the meal beginning at 6:00 PM.  A free-will offering will be received for the meal.  Keynote speaker will be Rev. Daniel Gard, President of Concordia University, Chicago. Ryan Schneider will be the alumni speaker, and Katie (Keily) Vann will be singing.   Pre-register for this event by calling the Trinity Development Office at 812-524-8547.