Monday, June 13, 2011

A life-giving flood

We in Columbus know quite a bit about stagnant water.  It stinks.  It ruins things.  It breeds nasty mosquitoes.

In Sunday's sermon, Pastor Cook reminds us that our hearts without Jesus are much like stagnant water: stinking, ugly, and yielding only death.  Just as land cannot clean itself, we cannot free ourselves from our sinful condition.  But God's mercy is poured on us through Christ, in Baptism, and by the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Thanks to His life-saving flood of grace, we are cleansed and refreshed.  We receive, and we live.

For Sunday's Pentecost sermon, click here.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Behold I freely give
The living water, thirsty one,
Stoop down and drink and live

I came to Jesus and I drank of that life-giving stream
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived
And now I live in Him.

(LSB 699, I Heard the Voice of Jesus say, verse 2)

June 12 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH April Middendorf as she brings her sons, JASON CALEB TURNER and TRISTAN NATHANIEL TURNER to be baptized this morning. Jason is a second grader at White Creek Lutheran. God’s blessings to them!

COOKIE FELLOWSHIP will be held today after worship. Enjoy a light snack and visit with your church family! (Many thanks to those who donated cookies!) Vacation Bible School crafts will be on display in the front hall of school – stop by and take a look!

CLOTHES NEEDED: The Bartholomew County Center of the Pregnancy Care Center is in great need of children’s clothing, sizes 4T, 5T, and 6Girls as well as sizes 3T and 6Boys. Items may be dropped off at the PCC at 2420 7th Street in Columbus (the former Columbus Pediatrics office).

CHOICE DOLLARS: A deposit of $226.00 has been made to our church account on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Choice Program by the following who have directed their Choice Dollars: Bettie Burbrink, Lloyd & Jean Meyer, and Carolyn Peters. A deposit of $715.00 was made to our school account by the directed Choice Dollars of the following: Ken Bode, Mark Bushur, Jan Buss, Dean & Clara Claycamp, Scott Hildreth, Carmen Kreinhagen, Matthew May, Amy Mensendiek, Mike Mensendiek, Kathy Sanders, Linda Schroer, Herb Stiltz, Lawrence & Norma Tiemeyer, Louis & Jean Voelker, Lindsey Von Fange, Joel Wise.

BRICK ORDERS will be taken anytime from now through Labor Day. Cost is $100 per brick. Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer, Larry & Janice Claycamp, or Lloyd & Jean Meyer. Bricks will be ordered after Labor Day, with placement sometime in October.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS and save the date of Sunday, August 14, for our second annual church picnic! Watch for more details as the time nears….