Monday, August 4, 2014

August 3 Weekly News

OUR WCLS FACULTY/STAFF will be dedicated during this morning's worship. Those serving include Michelle Barnett-Kindergarten, Mary Anne Schneider-1st grade, Jean Jack-2nd grade, Kim Enzinger-3rd grade, Lindsay Paluch-4th grade, Whitney Vandercar-5th grade, Jeffrey Kyler-6th grade, Micah Owens-7th/8th grades, Jan Buss-Principal/7th & 8th Math, Pastor Cook-Confirmation, Jane Meyer- Teacher Aide, Elizabeth Brown-Teacher Aide, and Becky Eckelman-Admin. Asst.  Please keep our students, faculty, and staff in your prayers as the new school year begins tomorrow.


DEDICATION OF OUR school expansion will be held today after worship.  Persons will have an opportunity to view the new addition and enjoy light refreshments as we give thanks to God for this improvement to our school and ask for His blessing as another new school year begins.


THE CHURCH PICNIC will be held next Sunday, August 10, after worship.  Donations of hot dogs and pies and pop-up canopies to use are needed.  Let Becky know if you would like to contribute.  Displays of tractors, cars, trucks, memorabilia, hobbies, and anything you would like to share with your church family is welcome and may be brought on Saturday from 10-11 AM or Sunday morning before church.  Please remember to bring lawn chairs.  The picnic will be followed by the dedication of our new pipe organ and a recital by Ed Bruenjes and John Matthews Jr. playing various musical selections.


MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S AND ST. PAUL, CLIFTY will be helping with a one day Bible Camp at Shepherd of the Hills in Bean Blossom this coming Saturday, August 9.  If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Cook.

MANY THANKS to all who donated cookies for today's school expansion celebration refreshments.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Troy & Stacie Gamble on the birth of their son, COLTON JOSEPH GAMBLE, on Thursday, July 24.  Colton arrived weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs. and measuring 20 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


BRICKS:  Orders are again being taken for bricks for our sidewalk and memory garden from now through Labor Day.  Cost is $100/brick.  To order, contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp.  Bricks will be placed in October.   If you would

like to see design options that are available for the bricks, contact Becky in the church office.


A NEW 8 week session of fitness classes will begin this week.  Classes offered are Senior Strength on Mondays at 2:00 PM, Pump on Wednesdays at 7:30 AM and Thursdays at 3:30 PM.  A FREE YOGA class will be offered on Thursdays at 5:00 PM.  For more information or questions, contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238 or check the information sheets in the narthex.


GERMAN HERITAGE TOUR:  You are invited to join hosts, Pastor Arthur Schwenk and Pastor Doug & Michelle Bauman on a 12-day tour of Germany on June 22-July 3, 2015.  Sites include Frankfurt, Worms, Rothenburg, Eisleben, Leipzing, Wittenberg, Berlin, the Rhine area, and Loehne.  An informational meeting about this tour will be held this evening at 6:30 PM at St. Paul, Clifty, Church.  Persons may also contact Pastor Schwenk at or Pastor Bauman at pastor@stpaulcolumbus,org.  (Pastor Cook will be hosting with Pastor Schwenk in 2018 on this tour.)


FAMILY FUN-FEST RETREATS:  Looking for some "quality time" with your family?  Try one of Camp Lakeview's Family Fun-Fest Retreats on August 22-24 or August 29-31 (Labor Day Weekend)!  Get away with your entire family and end your summer together, making some lasting memories and growing closer to each other and to the Lord.  For more information, download a brochure at or contact the camp office at 812-342-4815 or


REDS/METS BASEBALL GAME: Tickets for the September 7 baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and the New York Mets at Cincinnati are still available for $22.50/person.  See the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the school hall.  Persons who order tickets are asked to pay for them immediately (checks payable to White Creek Lutheran School) as this has been charged to our school’s credit card. 


SEVERAL DISHES from past funeral dinners are still in the Fellowship Room.  If you have been missing some from home, please check today and see if any are yours.  If they are not claimed within the next 2 weeks, they will be removed from the building.