Monday, November 17, 2014

November 16 Weekly News


TODAY WE REJOICE WITH Rick & Jessica Morphew as they bring their son, RYAN JOSEPH MORPHEW, to be baptized.  Ryan's sponsors are his uncle, John Morphew, and family friends, Craig & Sarah Moore.  God's blessings to you, Ryan!


TIME & TALENT SURVEYS and A Plan for Giving worksheet are available in the narthex if you have not yet received one.  Please prayerfully consider how you can be of service here in our congregation and financially help further the work of God's Kingdom here at St. John's.  You may return your completed Time & Talent Surveys to the container provided in the narthex or give them to Becky in the church office.


TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to sign up to schedule family pictures for the church directory.  Hosts are needed to help sign in people when pictures are taken.  If you would be able to help with this, please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet TODAY at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet tonight at 7 PM.


2014 PLEDGE:  Several people have requested an update for their school expansion pledge for 2014.  At this time, if you would like an update, please feel free to contact our Building Fund treasurer, Janet Morey, at or 812-350-6238.


PHONE NUMBERS:  If you have recently changed phone numbers or given up your home phone and just using a cell phone, please give that information to Becky so records can be updated for our upcoming church directory.  Thanks!

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday after worship (7:30 PM).


"THANKS TO PASTOR COOK AND FRIENDS for the prayers, cards, food, and support at the passing of our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Dorothy Condra. We appreciate your many kindnesses." - The Condra Family


"MANY THANKS to all for the prayers and cards as I continue my battle with cancer.  Please continue to pray for me as I face surgery this coming Friday." - Joan Hercamp


THE INDIANA BRANCH of the Orphan Grain Train thanks you for your generous support of our capital campaign project.  The total pledges after the Asking Events are now more than $360,000.  As a result of the success of the Asking Events, the Board is moving forward with the remodeling of the warehouse.  If you were unable to attend an Asking Event, but would like to support this project, pledge cards can be found in the narthex.  If you would like more information about this project, please contact Orphan Grain Train Secretary Marge Lazzell at


CROSSLIFE MINISTRIES AUXILIARY will meet tomorrow, Monday, November 17, at 7 PM at CrossLife Ministries office located at 1505 S. Walnut St., Seymour.  Members from Immanuel, Redeemer, and Jonesville will serve as hosts.  The agenda will include election and installation of officers and distribution of funds raised from the Fall Luncheon and Bake Sale.  All are invited to enjoy the evening of fellowship and become more familiar with the ministry serving individuals, marriages, and families throughout Jackson and Bartholomew counties.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL invites students and families to an open house this Friday, November 21, from 4:00-6:00 PM.  All interested eighth grade students will also receive a $75 voucher that helps cover registration costs at Trinity for the 2015-2016 school year.  Please enter through the commons.


AN ORGAN RECITAL will be presented by Katie Timm, doctoral organ student at IU Jacobs School of Music, this Friday, November 21, at 7:30 PM at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clifty.  Everyone is invited.  Admission is free.


DEPOSITS OF $106.00, $594.00, and $105.00 have been made to the church, school, and Foundation accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial Choice program by the directed choice dollars of the following:  Bettie Burbrink, Mark & Jan Buss, Ernie Dettmer, Ken Dettmer, Doyce & Becky Eckelman, Kathy Kerkhof, Sharon Kinsey, Keith & Amy Mensendiek, Kay Niemoeller, Lindsay Paluch, Abby Schroer, Linda Schroer, and Lou &  Jean Voelker.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is seeking applicants for a part-time maintenance person to work evenings starting immediately.  If interested, please contact principal, Daniel Sievert at 812-524-8547.