PASTORAL CARE NEEDS and emergencies will be responded to by
Pastor Keinath. Contact Becky at the
church office or an elder, and they will forward the requests to Pastor
Keinath. Requests may also be made
directly to Pastor Keinath at his office-812-522-8440 or his home-812-522-4448.
TODAY WE ARE OBSERVING LWML Sunday to give thanks to God for this
ministry. Please note the handout about
the Mite Box ministry. Mite boxes are available
today in the narthex.
are reminded to meet at the Waymansville Fish Fry next Sunday evening at 5:30
PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting
and socializing.
EYEGLASSES NEEDED: MOST Ministries will be taking a Mission Trip
to Nicaragua next June. The people there
have a great need for eyeglasses - adult, children, non-prescription
sunglasses, and over-the-counter reading glasses. Glasses cases would also be appreciated. Jean Voelker has put a box in the narthex for
this collection and will see that the glasses get to someone going on this
trip. Your donations will bring sight!
CHURCH HISTORY: In January of 1932, the interior of the
church was re-decorated. It was
colorful, with strips 4-5 feet wide that were panels of different shades of
blues and roses. There were designs that started at the top of the
windows. At the center of the ceiling,
floral and leaf designs criss-crossed.
There was also a border that was chair rail height. There werefour bowl lights suspended from the
ceiling. Those lights have since been
is an opportunity for adults (confirmed and older) of the congregation to set
aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations and focus on the birth of
Christ. It will be held on Sunday,
November 29, at 6:30 PM. The evening
will include readings, a variety of music, and desserts. This will be an elegant, relaxing evening of friendship
and preparation for the true meaning of Christmas. Reservations are needed, but the event is
free. Sign-up will be held Nov. 1-Nov.
AID BAZAAR will be held this evening at St. Paul, Wegan,
from 4:00-7:00 PM. A free-will offering
will be received. Carry-out is
to support the counseling ministry of CrossLife
Ministries will be held this Friday, October 16, from 10:00 AM-1:00
PM. The Auxiliary of CrossLife
Ministries will serve chicken casserole, salads, desserts, and drinks at
Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall.
Free-will donations will be accepted, and persons may dine in or carry
out. “Helping Hands” donation boxes located on the tables will help support
Anchor House.
FISH FRY: St. Peter, Waymansville, Adult Fellowship
will sponsor its Annual Fish Fry next Sunday evening, October 18, from
4:00-7:00 PM. Supplemental funds will be provided by Thrivent Financial. Everyone invited.
Katie Otte (812-341-5333) or Lakeview Ministries (812-342-4815) to purchase
tickets for Camp Lakeview's 11th Annual Dinner Auction, "ROUTE 66,"
which will be held Saturday, November 21, at the Clarion Hotel Crystal Ballroom
in Columbus. Tickets are $60/person or
$500/table if purchased by October 1.
New items, collectibles, antiques, goods or services, handicraft items,
monetary donations are being accepted for the auction. If you would like to donate, please call
Lakeview Ministries at 812-342-4815. All
proceeds benefit God's work being done at Lakeview Ministries, and all
donations are tax-deductible.
hosted by the Jackson County Mission Federation, will be held Sunday, October
25, at 7:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran High School.
Pastor James Bushur of the Ft. Wayne Seminary will be the event
preacher. Persons who would like to sing
in the choir (“God Is Our Refuge and Strength” and “Thy Strong Word”) are asked
to meet at the Trinity gym at 4:00 that day for practice, followed by dinner at
5:30 and the service at 7:00. Contact
Ron Duncan, Leah Schneider, or Paul Scheiderer with any questions.
$137.00 has been made to the church account on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s
Thrivent Choice program by the directed dollars of the following: Wayne &
Melanie Meyer and Brian Purdue.