Monday, June 1, 2015

May 31 Weekly News

TODAY WE OBSERVE Trinity Sunday, which is the first Sunday after Pentecost.  Trinity Sunday celebrates the Christian Doctrine of the Trinity, the three persons of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The Sundays following Pentecost until Advent are numbered from this day.


MEMORIAL SUNDAY is being held today as part of our 175th celebration.  Greg Hercamp will give a bit of history about our Founding Fathers, and a cemetery tour will be conducted after the worship service.   Our members who have served or are currently serving will be recognized, and a video tribute will be           presented.   Senator Joe Donnelly’s office has sent our church a certificate of recognition and a flag that was flown over the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in honor of St. John’s members who have served in the military.  Also, a table will be set up between the church and school today after worship for people to sign cards and drop in the boxes to send to those who are currently serving our country.


TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Clara Claycamp & Family in loving remembrance of what would have been Clara & Dean’s 56th wedding anniversary today.


THE JUNE CALENDAR/NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.


CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY:  Under the leadership of Pastor H.J. Juengel (1867-1887), the congregation grew.  Steps were taken to abolish any anti-scriptural practices within the body of Christ.  The $3.00 fee, which was charged new members, was abolished.


LOOKING FOR CONFIRMATION PICTURES:  The deadline for turning in Confirmation pictures will be NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 7. The following Confirmation class pictures are still needed: 2001, 1971,  (professional pictures best for any 1970s pictures) 1951, 1945, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1920, and all years prior to 1920 except 1918 and 1919.  The original picture is needed to make a good copy.  If you prefer not to leave your picture(s), please contact Becky in the office to set up a time for Janeen Blomenberg to scan your original picture so you can take it home again.


175TH ANNIVERSARY PLATES:  Anyone who would still like to order a plate may do so by contacting Kyra Bode at 812-390-7571 or  Cost is $20/plate. 


REUNION SUNDAY, a part of our 175th anniversary celebration, will be held on June 28.  If you know of any former confirmands, teachers, or pastors who no longer attend St. John's, please invite them to this service.  After worship, there will be light refreshments, and the confirmation class photos that have been collected will be displayed.  Pastor Marcus Jauss will be the guest preacher for this service.


MANY THANKS TO everyone who donated, helped, and walked in this year’s Phil’s Friends Walk for Hope.  We raised over $4,000 to help in supporting those in the fight with cancer with Christ-centered      support! - Janet Morey


MUSIC DIRECTOR NEEDED:  Zion Lutheran Church in Seymour is seeking candidates to serve as an interim choral and/or bell director(s) while the congregation evaluates its longer-term ministry needs.  If you are interested, or know a qualified individual(s), please submit names to the church office at 812-522-1089 or online at


THE CHURCH OFFICE HOURS will be flexible during the summer break, from June 1-July 17.  If you need to come to the office, please call before you make the trip to make sure someone is in.